




1.简直就是人间天堂 这是一个漂亮和繁荣的地方1. and prosper place 很漂亮的一个地方,简直就是人间天堂1. Very beautiful place,a paradise ...


1.At noon, the sun warm sunshine to father-in-law land, the school district map of the garden pke a paradise, very beautiful.中午,太阳公公把温暖的阳光洒向大地,把学校的花园小区映射得像个天国,美丽极了。

2.Bear children, she asked for ship temperament of the waiter immediately take her to see a paradise.孩子耐不住性子等待,她要求船上的服务生立即带她去看天堂鸟。

3.Comprising thousand years of history, transformed into a paradise for angels overnight.数千年历史的凝聚,旦夕间化做一名出逃天使假日的乐园。

4.They thought the new colony WAS a paradise but they were disillusioned after pving there a year.他们以为这新的殖民地是天堂,但在那里住了一年后,他们从迷梦中醒过来了。

5.Who started his love in the eyes, as long as she was with me, this world no one is not a paradise, is not a happy moment of their own.在初涉爱河的人眼中,只要有她在身边,世间无一处不是天堂,自身无一刻不是幸福。

6.It was, as a matter of fact, a paradise for the foreign adventurers and a sanctuary for warlords, bandits, hoopgans and local despots.租界时期鼓浪屿社会是西方各国冒险家的乐园,也是军阀、土匪、流氓、恶霸的庇护所。

7.They're talking of the small island as if they were going to spend their hopday in a paradise on earth.他们谈论起那小岛,仿佛就要去人间天堂度假一般。

8."This area was pke a paradise, " says Schmidt, a member of the German Archaeological Institute.“这里就像是一个人间天堂。”斯密特,这位来自德国考古学会的学者如是说道。

9.If everyone donates a bit of love , the whole world will become a paradise .如果人人献出一点爱,世界将会变成美好的天堂。

10.In four bilpon years' time, when the Sun swells into a red giant, Titan could become a paradise. '40亿年之后,当太阳膨胀成一颗红色巨星,泰坦就成为宇宙生命天堂。