




1.仆人式领导 ... Scientific Management 科学管理泰勒 Servant-Leadership 仆人式领导格林里夫 Shared Service Center 共享服务中 …

5.仆人领导们示范如何作一位「仆人领袖」(Servant-leader)。「仆人领导」(Servant-leadership)的精神和原则不再是基督教的领导 …




1.In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making.在很多方面,仆人式领导风格是民主式领导风格的一种形式,因为整个团队成员都会参与到决策过程中去。

2.Why do you think servant leadership can be such a difficult principle to put into practice?你认为「仆人领袖」是一个很难实现的原则吗?。

3.Servant leadership is not so much about developing organizations as it is about developing people.仆人式领导着重的并非组织发展,而是人的发展,

4.What would be your own definition of "servant leadership" ?你对「仆人领导」的定义是甚麽?。

5.The servant leadership of the principals of the senior high school in Taipei City has a predictive effect on teacher job satisfaction.台北市高中校长服务领导对教师工作满意度具有预测作用;

6.While doing research on "Servant Leadership, " I came across a quote credited to a seminary professor named J.当我在研究「仆人领导」的时候,看到一个名为J。

7.Though Robert Greenleaf first introduced "servant leadership" in 1970, his ideas remain vitally important today.尽管罗伯?葛理夫早在一九七0年首次提出「仆人式领导」,但迄今他的看法仍极为重要。

8.A High View of Each Individual: servant leadership is committed to developing the potential of others.对每一个体的俯察:仆人式的领导致力于开发别人的潜能。

9.The senior high school teachers of Taipei City have a positive perception toward the principal's servant leadership.台北市高中教师对于校长之服务领导行为感受有正面之知觉。

10.Among 8 perspectives of the principal's servant leadership, the "self-awareness" has the most positive perception.在校长服务领导八个层面中,以「自我觉察」为最高。