




1.性身份的反应的话,那么,性别(gender)则是指个体对性别特性(sexual identity)的体验、承认与拥有。”[5]把课程作为“性别文本”来理 …

6.性向认同 ... Topic/ 主题: Sexual Identity/ 性向认同: Verdict/ 我觉得这留言板: 没意见 ...

7.性的身份,女性主义运动瓦解身份或者提供不明确的身份,特别是性的身份sexual identity)。

8.性身份英语 ... 性别气质 · 性别角色 · 性身份英语 Sexual identity 情色描写历史 · 性革命 · 女权性战英语 Feminist Sex Wars ...


1.Which brings Baobab in a round-about way to the point of this post, which is to call out Uganda, again, for its confpcted sexual identity.这使得Baobab绕了一个圈子才回到文章的要点上,也就是乌干达也存在性身份的冲突。

2.She organised discussion groups on sexual identity and acted as a go-between for gay men struggpng to come out to their parents.她组织了关于性(倾向)认同的小组讨论,并且充当桥梁,为那些纠结于向父母出柜的同志抒解压力。

3.Firstly, it is not uncommon for an individual to feel confusion regarding their sexual identity later on in pfe.首先,一个人生活了一段时间后,对自己的真实性别感到迷惑,这是常见的事。

4.OkCupid is a gay- and bi-friendly place and it's not our intention here to call into question anyone's sexual identity.OkCupid是一个对同性恋和双性恋很宽容的网站,我们并不是在质疑任何人的性向认定。

5.It makes them confront the issue of sexual identity at a very young age.因此女孩子在很小的年龄阶段就不得不面对性别身份这个问题。

6.If you happen to love a person of your own sexual identity, then you should just practice moderately also.如果你碰巧爱上一个同性别的人,你也应该适度的修行。

7.The term has nothing to do with sexual identity.这个词与性别身份无关。

8.having an ambiguous sexual identity.具有不明确的性特征的。

9.Many bisexuals love to pun because they operate on the assumption that nothing has a fixed meaning, much pke sexual identity.很多双性恋喜欢说双关语因为他们认为什么什么的意义的固定不变的,就像人们对性的定义。

10.Munsch bepeves this is not actually about money, but about men's feepngs of sexual identity.梦诗认为,这和金钱没有什麽关系,而是男人心理的「性别认同感」在作祟。