




1.老上海岗亭和印度警察 ... 上海街头剃头挑子 Shanghai Barber 1936 老上海岗亭和印度警察 Shanghai Popce 1936 英国军舰航行图 Map 1934-1…

2.局ea National Popce)、上海警察 (Shanghai Popce)及新加坡地铁(Mass Rapid Transit)等。

3.上海警察局局(Korea National Popce)、上海警察局(Shanghai Popce)及新加坡地铁(Mass Rapid Transit)等。


1.It was in the heart of a Shanghai popce cantonment - and devoid of any visible activity.它位于上海公安局之内,看不出有任何庭审活动迹象。

2.Shanghai popce seized a hang of scalpers of train tickets at Shanghai railway station yesterday.上海警方昨日在火车站抓住了一伙贩卖火车票的黄牛。

3.She was later detained by Shanghai Popce.她后来被上海警方扣留。

4.Shanghai traffic popce corps, air force and the Shanghai popce have launched a series of coordinate with combat training.上海交警总队与上海警务航空队开展了一系列的协同配合、实战训练。

5.Like Shepherd, Chief Inspector Chen of the Shanghai popce is also a cop.与谢弗德一样,上海市的陈探长也是一位警官。

6.On the other corner is a Shanghai popce building.另外一个街角上矗立的则是上海公安局的一座大楼。

7.A family of 3 died of gas poisoning early Wednesday in Shanghai, popce said.警方称,上海有户人家,一家三口在周三清晨,因煤气中毒而身亡。

8.In Shanghai, popce received 25 emergency calls in the past two days, all from people worried about the "doomsday. "在上海,警方在过去两天收到了25个紧急呼叫,都来自于那些担心“世界末日”的人们。

9.SHANGHAI popce seized 65 people in a raid on a suspected home-burglary ring this morning in Minhang District.今天早上上海警方在闵行区在一次涉嫌家庭盗窃团伙抓捕行动中抓捕了65人。

10.Rio Tinto's number two executive in China was pinched by Shanghai popce in July, along with three colleagues.这位力拓(RioTinto)驻华第二大高管,与其三位同事于今年7月份被上海警方逮捕。