




1.共享空间概念之前,我们还要先介绍以下几个基本概念[1]: 共用空间(Shared Space):一个用来存放不相依於租户(tenant-independent…

3.空间分享下三点进行讨论:接近性(proximity);分享空间shared space);仪式(ritual)。

5.公用空间力,那么,它同时未始不是一个新世纪中国再度出现的“公用空间”(shared space)。


1.Aside from backup services, users can create a shared space to which multiple users can write for collaboration purposes.除了备份服务以外,用户还可以创建一个共享空间,允许不同的用户发表言论,以达到协作的目的。

2.The case for treating Asia as a shared space, falpng under a columnist's purview, is only reinforced.亚洲可视为一共享空间,可纳入专栏作家之视野,这一看法反而在增强。

3.A shared-space programming model for clustered systems, even automatic parallepzation, is still attractive for parallel computing.在机群系统上寻求共享存储编程乃至支持自动并行一直是并行计算的研究热点。

4.Thus, ba can be considered as a shared space that serves as a foundation for knowledge creation.因此,“场所”可以被看做是共享空间,做为创立知识的基础……

5.Urban residents, especially the poor, used the street as shared space for everyday commercial, recreational, and ceremonial activities.城市居民,尤其是贫穷人,将街道运用为日常交易、娱乐与礼仪活动之共享空间。

6.Although northern Europe has led the way in the Home Zone and Shared Space movements, the latest spin-offs can be found in the UK.尽管北欧是这场“家园地带”和“共享空间”运动的领导者,但最近的一项创新却发生在英国。

7.Meanwhile, in Kent, the unprepossessing town of Ashford might soon become the biggest Shared Space scheme in the world.与此同时,肯特郡阿什福德这个平凡的小镇可能很快将成为全球规模最大的“共享空间”项目。

8.In a shared space, attraction is more difficult to conceal, and sometimes more problematic.在一个共同的空间,吸引力更难以隐藏,有时候更另人怀疑。

9.In the boot his pet dog, Bloodsucker, shared space with an M-16 assault rifle.在他脚下,他的宠物狗“吸血鬼”和一把M-16冲锋枪挤在一起。

10.Who would opt for a shared space if they could have their own?如果能拥有自己的办公室,谁会选择共享办公区呢?