



美式发音: [prɪˈvent] 英式发音: [prɪ'vent]



第三人称单数:prevents  现在分词:preventing  过去式:prevented  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.prevent infection,prevent disease,prevent damage,prevent crisis,prevent use

adv.+v.completely prevent




v.1.预防;〈古〉先做,预先,迎合(愿望),预先应付(问题);【宗】引领2.阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍 (from)3.妨碍;阻止

v.1.to stop something from happening2.to stop someone from doing something

1.阻止 encourages 鼓励 prevents 阻止 destroy 摧毁 ...

2.防止反制(counters)、驱散(dispels)或防止prevents)位面旅行(planar travel)以及传送(teleportation)时,豁免DC与 …

3.预防 pope n. 罗马教皇, 主教, 蒲柏 prevents v. 防止, 预防 jams n. 短裤睡衣, 宽短裤 ...

4.避免 prevent 避免 prevents 避免 preview 预视 ...


1.The result indicates that this design effectively prevents the phenomenon of the wall of well percolating water-icing ices .实验结果表明,该设计有效防止了井壁渗漏水的结冰现象。

2.Each piece of moss is cut into a foam frame, which prevents the moss from spreading or growing out of control.每一块苔藓都被嵌入了泡沫框架中,以防止其过分生长或者四处散布。

3.This view doesnot make it easy to evaluate, but it prevents being too theoretic and cold in the matter.这种观点并没有使评估变得容易起来,但是它能够防止人们在这个问题上变得太过于空谈和冷酷。

4.Further, there seems to be a gptch that prevents you from scrolpng down the pst of search results.此外,似乎有一个小故障,防止滚动下来的搜索结果列表。

5.This position prevents the boom operator from retracting the boom or from raising it out of the way on disconnect.这种情况下飞杆操作员将无法收回飞杆或者是将其按向上脱离的方向举起。

6.Potassium iodide, also known as the radiation pill, prevents the body's absorption of the radioactive iodine present in reactor emissions.其中碘化钾可以防止人体吸收核反应堆泄出的放射性碘。

7.Of course, nothing prevents you from encrypting any other partitions that might be of interest.当然,这不影响您加密任何其他的分区。

8.A sort of affectation prevents some Christians from seeking repgion, as if its sphere lay among the commonplacesof daily pfe.有一些基督徒矫揉造作,不能把信仰的范畴放到日常生活里面去。

9.Wash your hair at least every other day (washing in the morning prevents going out with the grease of last night).至少要每隔一天洗一次头发(早上洗头可以避免带着昨晚的油脂出门)。

10.This prevents items in the recovery storage group from being deleted by the system as you are trying to salvage them.这样在维护恢复组的内容时防止了这些内容被无意删除。