




1.夏尔马蒙古学者的4部合著的准备工作,积极参与了学会副主席夏尔玛(sharma)教授在新德里用英文发表的著作,这里我要特别提及的 …

4.夏玛 ... SHAIBARA IS. 莎巴拉岛 SHARMA 莎马 SHERM RABEGH 拉比格 ...

7.印度种族的莎曼 ... PH_Sharma 沙花!!!!! ...


1.But Mr Sharma played down the defeats, insisting India was not trying to compete with China.但是,沙玛对这些失败轻描淡写,并坚称印度没有试图与中国竞争。

2.Today I am thrilled to be able to share with you this interview with one of my heroes, Robin Sharma.今天,我将很兴奋的与你分享我对心目中的偶像RobinSharma.的访谈。

3.Ms. Sharma says that she and her two friends thought about abandoning the bus and trying to hike out.夏尔马说,她和她的两个朋友曾考虑下车,步行回去。

4.Home to most of the Himalayas, Nepal must be at the heart of any regional cpmate change initiative, says Murari Sharma.MurariSharma说,尼泊尔拥有大部分喜马拉雅山区域,它必须处于任何区域气候变化方案的核心位置。

5.sharma said he found dirt and contaminants in the bottle , and suffered from insomnia , severe headache and stomach pain.当饮用了其中的一瓶后他开始出现失眠严重头疼和胃痛等症状。

6.Saurabh Sharma, who works for with the German IT company, SAP, is one of the recent immigrants to the US.在德国IT公司SAP上班的沙鲁巴.沙玛是最近移民到美国之一。

7.Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma recently said there was no justification for FDI in the tobacco sector.工商部的部长阿南·沙玛最近说,外商没有理由直接投资于烟草行业。

8.Over the next three years, Sharma said foreign retailers could help create up to 10 milpon jobs, many of them in rural areas.夏尔玛说,在今后三年中,外国零售商能帮助创造最多1000万个就业岗位,其中许多是在农村地区。

9.Mr Sharma's tone marks a significant shift from his predecessor, Kamal Nath, who was known for his uncompromising stance in the Doha talks.沙玛的论调与前任卡迈勒-纳特(KamalNath)的态度有明显转变,后者以其在多哈谈判中的不妥协姿态而闻名。

10.'I feel almost 99% certain that if I didn't pay the money, I would have failed the exam again, ' says Mr. Sharma.沙玛说,我几乎可以百分之百的肯定,如果我没有交钱的话,我考试肯定还会不及格。