


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈpeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈpeɪ]



过去式:overpaid  第三人称单数:overpays  现在分词:overpaying  



1.[usupass]~ sb付款过多;多付报酬to pay sb too much; to pay sb more than their work is worth


v.1.to pay more money than you owe2.to pay someone more money than they deserve for the work that they do

1.多付 overtalk 过分多言 overpay 多付(钱款) overuse 使用过度 ...

2.付得过多 overproduction 生产过剩 overpay 付得过多 para-party 半政党组织 ...

3.超额工资 100.delayering 扁平化 1.overpay 超额工资 2.pay grade 工资等级 ...

4.给过多报酬 overpe 躺在...上面 overpay 给过多报酬 override 推翻 ...

5.付过多 overhear 无意中听到 overpay 付过多 (费用、报酬) override 推翻,使…

6.过高 ... overpass, 立交桥,6131 overpay, 过高,6750 overpower, 压倒,6162 ...


1.They were baked in, so to speak, when China decided to hold its currency down and thus overpay for US financial assets.可以说他们备受煎熬,当中国决定压低人民币时就得为美元金融资产多付出代价。

2.Owner however by be kept in the dark, result not only did not get material benefit, return overpay " rake-off " money.被蒙在鼓里的所有者不仅得到了物质利益还有格外的“回扣”。

3.They probably would have had to overpay to keep him, but the Lakers will miss him on their bench.或许需要给他支付超额的工资才能留住他,但湖人会想念这位曾经的板凳球员的。

4.The plan's essence is to use government off-budget money to overpay for banks' toxic assets, perhaps by a factor of two or more.该计划的实质是利用政府的预算外资金,高价(双倍或更高的价格)购入银行的问题资产。

5.on the other, you may overpay, wasting resources that might have been better used elsewhere.另一方面,你的出价可能过高,从而浪费了本来可以用作它途的资源。

6.Whether state-controlled companies are prepared to exploit so openly the appetite of mainlanders to overpay for equity is doubtful.国有企业是否准备如此公开地利用内地股民对股票支付过高价格的意愿,目前还难以确定。

7.But there's no evidence for that. Indeed, they are more pkely to overpay: countries and firms with excess savings nearly always do.的确,他们更可能多付钱:储蓄过多的国家和公司几乎都这样。

8.Making available a slush fund formed from the country's foreign exchange reserves might at least ease the pain when they overpay.若有一个以国家外汇储备组成的小金库,可能至少会减轻其出价过高时的痛苦。

9.The worry was that the government would overpay, enriching shareholders in the banks at taxpayers' expense.令人担忧的是,政府会多付钱给银行,并用纳税人的钱填满这些银行股东的“胃口”。

10.Plus, not all mortgage-backed securities are apke and Treasury wants to be careful that it doesn't overpay for the truly worthless assets.此外,抵押贷款担保证券各有不同,财政部想要小心行事,免得为那些不值钱的资产掏出太多真金白银。