


网络释义:基本的过程控制系统(Basic Process Control System);基本控制系统;位平面复杂度分割(Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation)


1.基本的过程控制系统(Basic Process Control System)安全防护系统 可以是一个独立的系统,也可以包含在 基本控制系统(BPCS)中-然而一般不提 倡后一种作法 存在共因失效等问 …

3.位平面复杂度分割(Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation)【摘要】:位平面复杂度分割(BPCS)隐写在复杂度较高的位面小块嵌入秘密信息,有较好的隐蔽性,但会引起图像位面小块复杂 …


1.This, together with the generally widespread existence of stabipty testing programs, make it reasonable to require such programs for BPCs.这,连同广泛存在的稳定性检测程序,使得要求原料药的此程序变得合理。

2.With few exceptions, expiration dates are not presently considered to be a general requirement for all BPCs.极少数情况下,有效日期并不是所有原料药都要考虑的。

3.Undetected changes in raw materials specifications, or subtle changes in manufacturing procedures, may affect the stabipty of BPCs.原料质量标准中未发现的变化,或制造工艺中微小的差别,可能会影响原料的稳定性。

4.Adequate sanitation of buildings and areas for BPCs requires considerable judgement.建筑物和原料药的区域的充分消毒需要相当的鉴定。

5.As is the case with buildings, many BPCs are produced using multipurpose equipment.通常是这样的,许多原料药的生产使用多种用途的设备。

6.Mother pquors containing recoverable amounts of BPCs are frequently re-used.包含可回收原料药的母液通常可以再次使用。

7.Drug Master Files (DMFs) are a valuable source of detailed information regarding the process and controls for BPCs.药物主文件是关于原料药工艺和控制的详细信息的有价值的来源。

8.Ensure the match between Raw Material actual storage and the quantity in BPCS.确保原材料实际库存与BPCS系统里面的数据相吻合;

9.BPCs are normally subjected to various in-process tests to show that a synthesis or fermentation is proceeding satisfactorily.原料药通常需要进行不同的过程内检测以表明合成或发酵是另人满意的。

10.There are many cases where GMPs for dosage form drugs and BPCs are parallel.在许多情况下,制剂和原料药的GMP是类似的。