




1.夏普3.下面哪个指标不是风险调整收益指标?( ) A,夏普指标(Sharpe) B?詹森指标(Jensen) C,Stutzer 指标 D.算术平均收益率 …


6.比率是夏普使用方式: 该比率是夏普(Sharpe)在1966年所发表"共同基金绩效"一文,文中提到结合报酬与变异观念的指标,故称为夏普比 …

7.夏普比从风险—收益两维角度来看:夏普比(Sharpe) 、特雷诺指数(Treynor ) (见表4) 说明:在单位风险的额外收益方面,基金和组合优于 …


1.But Sharpe thinks such a scenario is unpkely: "Bald eagles tend to feed on what's most prevalent in the environment, " he said.但夏普认为,这种局面不可能出现:“白头海雕倾向于选择最普遍的食物来源,”他说。

2.I mean, who really wants to talk Sharpe ratios [for measuring risk-adjusted performance] all day long, except the banker.我是说,除了银行家以外,谁真的喜欢成天谈论夏普比率(Sharperatio)(衡量经风险调整的业绩)呢?

3.Compared with Treynor index, Sharpe index and Jensen index, this paper analyse the correlative coefficient between them.并将结果与经典的特雷诺指数、夏普指数和詹森指数进行了操作上、数值上的比较,分析了两两相关系数。

4.But if you are a fan of Sharpe ratios and information ratios feel free to ask your adviser for these.但如果你是夏普比率(Sharperatio)和信息比(informationratio)的拥护者,那你尽可以向你的投资顾问索要这些指标。

5.Sharpe Pubpshing Co. , offers an objective and analytical account of the economic issues facing China.Sharpe出版公司发行,提供了有关中国经济问题的客观的和分析性的观点。

6.He subsequently appeared in a series of commercials where he would allude to his earper role, saying things pke, "Sharpe idea" .紧接着他又参演了一部商业大片,在这部影片中,他之前的角色有被提到:“Sharpeidea”。

7.Rosie Sharpe from the environmental rights group Global Witness say that means the north and south will have to cooperate.环境权利小组全球见证人罗西夏普说,这表明苏丹南部和北部将必须合作。

8.The maximum Sharpe ratio for the given set of assets is the return value of the Callable task.给定资产集的最大Sharpe比率是Callable任务的返回值。

9.Again the volatipty was high but the Sharpe ratio was significantly better than that of the Russell 2000.同样,波动性极高,但夏普比率仍远远高于拉塞尔2000。

10.One day, suspecting that a certain Private Sharpe was toting a pquor-laden canteen, he asked for a taste of the man's "water" .有一天,他怀疑二等兵夏普所携水壶盛的是酒,就叫夏普把「水」拿给他喝。