


美式发音: [u:'mɑ:mi] 英式发音: [u:'mɑ:mi]





1.鲜味a taste found in some foods that is neither sweet, sour, bitter nor salty

Tomatoes have lots of umami.西红柿味道特鲜。

1.鲜味 ... Adam Fleischman 因著迷 Umami 味道创设 Parmesan Crisp 脆乳酪等,有丰富层次的味道、或 ...

5.鲜味是一种复杂的综合味感 ... Umami Burger 流行后还增设其他 Umami 系列餐厅。 Cahuenga Blvd 与 ...


1.Interestingly, our attachment to umami starts early: human breast milk is said to be very rich in the taste.有趣的是,我们坚持鲜味很早就开始:人类母乳是说是非常丰富的味道。

2.Umami has frequently been used as a flavor enhancer, in both Eastern and Western cultures.鲜味经常被用来作为风味增强剂,在东方和西方文化。

3.Go with your gut: Japanese scientists recently identified umami receptors not only on the tongue but throughout the digestive tract.一鲜到底:科学家最近发现:不仅舌头上有感受鲜味的味蕾,整个消化道都有这种味蕾。

4.Sweet, umami and spicy taste in food will exaggerate the tannins and bitterness of a wine.食物中的甜味、香味和辣味会加重葡萄酒中的单宁和苦味。

5.Umami: Although there is no direct Engpsh translation, u mami is essentially the fifth taste.尤麻谜:虽然没有直接的英文翻译,尤麻谜实质上是第五种味觉。

6.Having absorbed the umami flavor from the broth, the corn bread becomes the highpght of the meal.玉米面包将会吸收肉汤的鲜味,这是这道菜肴的亮点。

7.And Umami's founder, Adam Fleischman, is a menschy guy whom I look forward to one day going on a burger crawl with.和鲜味的创始人,亚当Fleischman,是一个menschy家伙就是我期待着有一天在汉堡抓取具有去。

8.Additionally, they can only sense bitter flavors, instead of the sour, sweet, salty and umami scope our tongue can detect.此外,肺部的味蕾只能感知辣味,而舌头可以感受到酸、甜、苦、辣和其他鲜味。

9.The different characters for "salty" and "umami" are both rendered in the Roman alphabet as "xian" .“咸”和“鲜”是两个不同的字,但在罗马字母表都列在“xian”栏下。

10.There are five tastes on your tongue: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami.你的舌头可以感知五种味道:甜、咸、酸、苦还有鲜。