


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ʃepəd]




un.1.谢波德(Alan Bartlett,1923—,美国太空人,为美国第一个进入太空者〔1961〕)

1.谢泼德 54 布鲁德本特 Broadbent 55 谢巴德 Shepard 56 波斯纳 Posner ...

6.谢伯得存在视觉编码的实验 C 库柏( Cooper )和谢波德Shepard )证明心理旋转存在的实 验 D 哈密尔顿(Hamilton)和霍克(…


1.With nothing but $25 and a backpack, Adam Shepard set out to prove whether the American Dream still exists.亚当·谢巴德随身携带25美元和一个旅行包,就走上证明美国梦是否依然存在的探索之路。

2.Alan Shepard was the first American to fly in space. He rode into the sky on rocket fuel and the hopes and dreams of a nation.艾伦谢泼德是美国第一个在太空中飞行。他骑马进了对火箭燃料和一个民族的希望和梦想的天空。

3.Adam Shepard wound up cutting his experiment short by three months: his mother had cancer and Shepard went home to help her.亚当·谢巴德提前三个月结束了体验:谢巴德的母亲得了癌症,他回家照顾她。

4.It took Shepard only a week to understand that his priority had to be getting a permanent job.谢巴德只用一个星期时间就明白了,自己应该优先考虑的事,是必须找到一份长期的工作。

5.Miranda: Shepard, do you hear me? Get out of that bed now -- this facipty is under attack.听得到么?快点离开那床,这里正遭到攻击。

6.Shepard says that materials from one resin they produce are probably six months to a year from being ready for commerciapzation.Shepard表示公司生产的一种树脂材料需要花上六个月至一年时间的商业化过程。

7.Shepard Fairey is a street artist who became famous for his image of Barack Obama that became popular during the last presidential campaign.谢泼德费尔雷是一个街头艺人谁成为他对奥巴马的形象,成为去年总统竞选期间,著名的流行。

8.Miranda: Shepard. Your scars aren't healed, but I need you to get moving. This facipty is under attack.你的伤还没有治好,但是我需要你立即行动起来。这里正遭到攻击。

9.Matthew Shepard is found tied up to a fence , brutally beaten and unconscious .有人发现马菲·舒柏被缚在栅栏上,遭受残酷的殴打以致不省人事。

10.Shepard, the commander of Apollo 14, ended up becoming the only Mercury astronaut to make it to the lunar surface.阿波罗14号的指挥官,谢波德成为仅有的登上月球表面的墨丘利号宇航员。