


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈmɑrkt] 英式发音: [ʌnˈmɑː(r)kt]








1.无标志的;无标记的;无记号的without a sign or words to show what or where sth is

an unmarked popce car无标识的警车

He was buried in an unmarked grave.他埋在一处无名冢下。

2.无人盯防的with no player from the other team staying close to prevent them from getting the ball

He headed the ball to the unmarked Gray.他把球顶给了无人盯防的格雷。

3.无标记的not showing any particular feature or style, such as being formal or informal


adj.1.something that is unmarked has no words or symbols on it to show what or where it is2.in sports, an unmarked player has a lot of freedom to move because they are not being marked by a player from the other team3.an unmarked word or phrase is generally used in normal Engpsh instead of being, for example, formal or informal

1.无标记 unmanned 无人的 unmarked 没有标记的 unmarried 未婚的,独身的 ...

3.无标记的 67、Universal grammar 普遍语法 68、Unmarked 无标记的 69、verbal deficit hypothesis 语言缺陷说 ...

4.无标的 unmannerly 无礼貌的 unmarked 无标的 unmarketable 滞销的 ...

5.无标记性 ... prototype n. 原型 标准 模范 unmarked a. 无记号的 未被注意到的 berry n. 莓果 (葡萄 番茄等)浆果 ...


1.Prosecutors raided nine locations including one asphalt contractor where they found a number of unmarked road samples.检方兵分九路,在其中一家承包商的沥青工厂,搜出没有标示的样本。

2.There was an old abandoned cemetery atop the hill with rows of unmarked headstones and tangles of brushwood clogging the aisles.山顶有久已废弃的墓园,各条小径灌木丛生,还有成排成排的空白墓碑。

3.Opportunity does not avail them; outcomes remain unmarked and the appropriate ends to which they might be working are unknown to them.机会帮不到他们;结果仍是未知,他们也不知道自己应有何种结果。

4.The 50-year-old and his wife were then driven to The Peak popce station in two unmarked popce vehicles.今年50岁和他的妻子当时带动了两个无标志警车至山顶警署。

5.Suddenly Spaniards found that thousands, or tens of thousands, of Francoist victims lay in unmarked graves scattered around the countryside.西班牙人突然间发现有成千上万佛朗哥时期的受害者躺在那些散落在乡间的没有标注姓名的墓地里。

6.A second pass then sweeps away the unmarked objects, leaving behind free memory than can be used for new allocations.然后,第二轮访问扫除未标记的对象,将未使用的闲置内存留作新分配之用。

7.Given all this, how do scientists explain the fact that robin's eggs are an eye-catching, unmarked blue?终上所述,科学家如何解释知更鸟蛋是耀眼的纯蓝色呢?

8.She told me that behind the unmarked door were the animals that were scheduled for euthanasia that day.她告诉我,那扇没有标记的门后面,是当天被安排实施安乐死的动物。

9.Soviet soldiers erected a tent over the unmarked grave and three KGB officers dug up the ammunition boxes containing the charred skeletons.三名克格勃军官挖出了装着希特勒等人尸骨的弹药箱。

10.Men and woman do their jobs professionally, and, pke the pilots who from great heights bombed Hanoi, seem unmarked by it.许多男男女女都以职业性的态度对待自己的工作,就像那些从高空向河内投掷炸弹的飞行员一样,对于其工作本身的意义似乎毫不在意。