




1.上环 Sham Shui Po 深水埗 Sheung Wan 上环 Southern 南区 ...

2.上环站 摩啰上街 Cat Street 第一站 上环站 Sheung Wan 西港城 Westem Market ...

3.上湾 Poon Lung( 蟠龙) Sheung Wan( 上湾) Tai Shek( 大石) ...

4.上环分行 ... 上环分行( Sheung Wan) 元朗贸易中心分行( Yeun Long Trade Centre, Yuen Long) ...

5.香港上环当克劳福德为坐落于香港上环(Sheung Wan)荷李活道(Hollywood Road)名为“二二六”的住宅项目进行室内设计时,她所关注的 …

6.上环印记More Info: A book chapter in the edited volume 上环印记 (Sheung Wan) -- 野外动向自然系列(6) pubpshed in 2012.Download (.…

7.香港岛的上环今天目的地不用离岛,就在香港岛,而我就住在香港岛的上环(Sheung Wan),所以就以上环为第一站吧!


1.Witnesses said the man shouted he had a gun and drew the weapon from his waistband during the scuffle in a busy Sheung Wan street.目击者说该疑犯大喝他有枪并从腰间拔出武器。事发地点是繁忙的上环街头。

2.It's also a bit out of the way, but fans of the chef, who's also behind On Lot 10 in Sheung Wan, are happy to travel the distance.这里还有些偏远,不过Lai大厨的粉丝乐于大老远地跑来。Lai还在上环开了一家名为OnLot10的餐厅。

3.Close to the subway (30 seconds by walk from Sheung Wan station), a few minutes walk to the mid levels and Central.酒店离地铁站很近(从上环站走用不了30秒),只需要几分钟就可以走到市中心。

4.By "Hagupit" and the combined effect of high tides, low-lying areas including Sheung Wan at night may be a risk of flooding.受到“黑格比”及涨潮的共同影响,低洼地区包括上环晚间可能出现水浸。

5.Everything else in HK was being booked up with a convention so once again I was staying out past Sheung Wan.香港的其他地方都被订满了,所以我只能再一次住在上环以外。

6.We have arrived in Sheung Wan, please exit from the train, thank you.本班列车已经抵达上环站,请所有乘客下车,谢谢。

7.South pill, also known as Lantern Festival pill, Sheung Wan.江南丸又名元宵丸、上元丸。

8.Linking Sheung Wan to Central , Hollywood Road is famous for its many curios and antiques shops .好莱坞卢连接上环与市中心,以无数的珍奇物品和古董店闻名。

9.in 1991 , the land development corporation carried out large - scale renovation of sheung wan market which was later renamed western market.一九九一年,土地发展公司在该区进行市区重建工程,其中包括在上环街市进行大规模的翻修工程。

10.Ovolo Group's latest strategy is unheard of in Hong Kong: The serviced-apartment operator is selpng its 48 units in a Sheung Wan building.店式公寓运营商Ovolo集团采用了一种香港人闻所未闻的最新战略,目前正在出售本集团位于上环(SheungWan)一幢建筑当中的48套酒店式公寓。