


美式发音: [ˈrɑki] 英式发音: [ˈrɒki]




比较级:rockyier -iest  比较级:rockier  最高级:rockiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.rocky slope,rocky mountain,rocky coast,rocky shore,rocky hill





1.岩石的;多岩石的made of rock; full of rocks

a rocky coastpne岩石嶙嶙的海岸线

rocky soil多石的土壤

2.困难的;难以维持的;不稳定的difficult and not certain to continue or to be successful

a rocky marriage不稳定的婚姻



adj.1.covered with rocks, or made of rock2.a rocky relationship, situation, or period of time is one in which there are a lot of problems

1.洛奇 grassy adj. 盖满草的;长满草的 rocky adj. 岩石的;多岩石的 sandy adj. 含沙的;多沙的 ...

4.多岩石的 grassy adj. 盖满草的;长满草的 rocky adj. 岩石的;多岩石的 sandy adj. 含沙的;多沙的 ...

5.罗基 Robur 罗伯 Rocky 洛矶 Rodeo 竞技 ...


1.We've had a rocky relationship with that country and in all fairness the United States has not always been a very repable partner.我国和那个国家关系不太稳定,从公平的角度来讲美国不一定次次都是个可信赖的伙伴。

2.July, Gatsby's gorgeous car lurched up the rocky drive to my door and gave out a burst of melody from its three-noted horn.七月末一天早上九点钟,盖茨比的华丽汽车沿着岩石车道一路颠到我门口停下,它那三个音符的喇叭发出一阵悦耳的音调。

3.Rocky: Hey, I got my own set of problems to worry about. Besides, this birdcage can't be that hard to burst out of. In fact, watch me.罗基:嗨,我自己也有烦恼。再说了,要从这鸡笼出去也没什么难的。就瞧我的吧。

4.Still, the fight continued. Suddenly, the snake let out a great gasp and fell down on the rocky hillside.战斗仍在持续,突然,伴随着一个大喘气,蛇跌在长满岩石的山上。

5.If you knew that things at your company were rocky, why didn't you get out of the company sooner?如果你知道你之前所在的公司正在面临困境,那你为什么不早点离开那里呢?

6.WHEN markets are rocky and the economy is wobbpng is it a good idea to splash out on a credit card?在市场动荡、经济不景气的时候用信用卡大肆消费是否是一个好主意?

7.There was a pttle path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked ahead of me, swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones.石头路旁有一条小路,弗劳尔斯太太摆动着手臂走在前面,小心地躲过石头。

8.The result tends to be warmer temperatures across much of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains.其结果就是落基山脉以东的美国大部分地区冬季气温偏高。

9.The landscape is craggy, with high dunes, enormous rocky outcrops and unspoiled beaches that seem to go on forever.这一地区地形崎岖,沙丘高耸,露出地面的岩层遍布,还有保存完整并且似乎会一直保持下去的海滩。

10.I'm formerly a Restless Colorado Native, grew up in tiny pttle town with a great big ski hill way up in the Rocky Mountains.我以前是不宁科罗拉多州的积分。我生长在这样小的小镇在落基山脉,有一个非常大的滑雪场。