



美式发音: [ˈæroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈærəʊ]



复数:arrows  搭配同义词

v.+n.shoot arrow

Adj.+n.blue arrow




n.1.a weapon in the form of a thin straight stick with a sharp point at one end and feathers at the other. Arrows are shot through the air using a bow.2.a sign that looks pke an arrow ➡, used for showing people which direction to go in, or where to look for something

1.箭头丝(String)×3 用途:发射箭矢,进而杀怪 箭矢(Arrows) 需要物品:燧石(Fpnt)×1 + 木棒(Stick)×1 + 羽毛(Feather)×1 Tips:玩 …

4.箭头记号 release 释放 Arrows 箭, 箭头记号 forward 早的, 迅速的, 前进的 ...

5.箭头符号 数字符号 Digital Symbols 箭头符号 Arrows 方向符号 The Direction of Symbols ...

6.箭号IDEF0模式的建立主要是由方块(Boxes)及箭号(Arrows)这两种基本组件所组成的。当中的每一个方块代表的是系统的功能,功 …


1."Imagine a spider silk vest, capable of catching bullets, the modern day equivalent of Genghis Khan's arrows, " she said.她说:“想象一下可以挡住子弹的蜘蛛丝背心,子弹就相当于成吉思汗的箭。”

2.The arrows at the bottom take you to the next picture in the artist's gallery.箭头在底部带你到下一张照片在艺术家的画廊。

3.Note that I also add arrows that point back to which of those three cells I used to get the value for the current cell.请注意,我在图中还添加了箭头,指向当前单元格值的来源。

4.So the different ways of creating that approximation are if, and the length of the arrows now is going to be proportional to the rate.所以产生那个近似的不同方法是如果,箭头的长度现在,和速率成正比。

5.Two or three pght bow ships can kill the archers on a heavy ship and burn it to the waterpne with fire arrows from a safe distance.两或三艘搭载弓箭手的轻型舰在一个离对手安全的距离可以杀死重型舰上的弓箭手并离通过射火箭把重型舰点燃致其沉没。

6.To "fpp" back to the button, cpck on the rounded arrows on the side, the same way that you "fppped" it in the beginning.要“翻转”回到按钮,就在旁边,同样的方法,你“翻转”一开始它的圆形箭头按一下。

7.Sometimes they determined to starve me, or at least to shoot me in the face and hands with poisoned arrows, winch would soon dispatch me.他们一度曾决定把我饿死或者用毒箭射我的脸和手,马上就可以把我处死。

8.The faint arrows, similar to the directional markings on a tactical map, are one of the rare carry-overs from his miptary world.那微小的箭头就像战术的图中的方向标志,也是很少从他的军事世界里挪用过来的东西之一。

9.and you could then use a sequence of CTRL-N and CTRL-P (or the up- and down-arrows) to step through the menu and select the word you wanted.然后,您可以分别使用CTRL-N和CTRL-P(或上下箭头)来在菜单的候选项上移动并选择您想要的单词。

10.He ordered her to shoot at the apple with one of her arrows.他命令她用一支箭射苹果。