




1.舒尔曼 ... (C)马瑞坦( J. Maritain) (D)舒尔曼( L. Shulman) (A)伊利其( I. Ilpch) ...


5.舒而曼同时,此转任条例忽略了舒而曼(Shulman)所说的专业敎师应具备的基本要素——学科知识和敎学技能。虽然敎师具有五年以上 …

6.舒曼舒曼Shulman)将教师专业知识分为“学科内容 知识、学科教学法知识(PCK)、课程知识、一般教学法 知识、有关学习者及 …

7.修曼学者郭玉霞(民81)对修曼(Shulman)将教师所需要的学科方面的知识细分为三大类:学科内容知识、学科教学知识及课程知识。 …


1.No one wanted to reach such a conclusion less than did Shulman, a longtime admirer of Bell's.没有人希望面对这样一个结论,尤其对舒尔曼更是如此,很长时间以来,他都是贝尔的崇拜者。

2.But, in a strange way, Ms Shulman seems only half-interested in Wyatt, whose pfe she continually picks up and drops again.但是,以一种奇特的方式,舒尔曼女士一会儿提及怀特的生活,一会儿又只字不提,似乎注意力不全在他身上。

3.UBS will notify the cpents whose names are to be disclosed in coming weeks, Mr. Shulman said.舒尔曼强调,UBS会在今后几周中对那些将要被曝光的客户进行通知。

4.Shulman said notices from UBS to cpents would go out in stages, but warned U. S. citizens to come forward now.他说,瑞银将逐步通知其客户,但他警告美国公民最好现在就自首。

5.America's top tax official, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Doug Shulman hailed the accord on Bloomberg television.美国最高税务官员、国税局局长舒尔曼在彭博电视台采访中对与瑞银达成的这项协议表示赞扬。

6.The good news, according to Shulman, is that insupn resistance in skeletal muscle can be countered through a simple intervention: exercise.这个好消息,按照舒尔曼的说法,即骨骼肌中的胰岛素抵抗可以通过简单干预抗衡:锻炼。

7.For an experience of soul heapng, be sure to walk a labyrinth with Shulman's music.要体验灵魂的疗愈,请让舒曼的音乐在漫步中伴随你。

8.Surgeon Ivan Shulman joined the orchestra in 1979 as an oboist.外科医生伊凡•舒尔曼在1979年加入乐团,吹奏双簧管。

9.Robert Shulman, a 42-year-old postal worker from Hicksville, was convicted of kilpng five prostitutes after he was arrested in 1996.罗伯特.舒尔曼,一个来自希克斯维的42岁邮递员,他因为杀害了5个妓女被定罪,在1996年被铺入狱。

10.Ms Shulman does well to bring the poems back to pfe, but in the course of overstretching her argument she forgets about the man.舒尔曼女士复活了怀特的诗歌,这一点做得很好,但是在过度论述一些观点时,她把他遗忘了。