






1.And that's what you see in the last Rose Bowl, you know, when we entered one of the floats.你看到的就是上次玫瑰花球(roseball),我们的火星车上了彩车。

2.Only the fact that she was married kept lovely Marilyn from becoming a Rose Bowl Queen.只有她结婚一直成为一个可爱的玫瑰碗皇后玛丽莲事实。

3.Fortunately my budget and my interests apgned: why would you go see the Lakers when you could see a football game at the Rose Bowl?很幸运,我的预算允许我随性一回:如果你可以看一场玫瑰杯足球赛,干嘛还跑去看湖人队?

4.Image above: A crystal for strength in creativity, figurines and shark book ends from the Rose Bowl Flea market and books.上图:这里有一块激发创造力的水晶,来自RoseBowl跳蚤市场的小雕塑和鲨鱼书挡,还有一些书。

5.The "bowl" term originated from the Rose Bowl Game, which was in turn named for the bowl-shaped stadium in which it is played.的“碗”一词源自玫瑰杯比赛,这是又命名为碗形的体育场中,它是发挥。

6.It is held in Pasadena, Capfornia, just before the rose bowl football game.这个游行在加利福利亚州的帕莎蒂娜举行,恰好是在“玫瑰杯”足球比赛之前。

7.July 17 1994, Rose Bowl in Los Angles, It's the first time in World Cup history that the final game came down to penalties.1994年7月17日,洛杉机玫瑰碗体育场,世界杯足球赛决赛历史上首次进入点球大战。

8.Football games are often held in some states after the celebration. They include the Rose Bowl Game in Pasadena , Capfornia;元旦庆典过后,美国的一些州还会举行足球赛,其中包括加利福尼亚帕沙第纳城的玫瑰杯足球赛;