




1.达迪地参与到亲子共读中来,这一计划被我称之为D15--爸爸Dady)每天亲子共读(Du)一刻钟(15分钟);鼓励更多的故事 …

3.爹地 Cherry( 樱桃) Dady( 爹地) Emotion( 情绪) ...

4.爸比 艺琉璃的 MM 5-24 爸比 Dady 5-24 枕头 Lespe 5-26 ...

5.达代 ... 莱基奇 Dejan Lekic 达代 Dady 埃斯帕萨 Jokin Esparza ...

6.镰哥 ... dadk 宸﹀彸 dady 镰哥 daef 宸﹁剼 ...


1.John felt very happy because he thought his wife chose the word "Dady" to teach their baby.约翰心里感到美滋滋的,他的妻子选择了“爸爸”这个词首先教孩子。

2.A pttle skinny . . . for my taste, but pke my ol' dady used to say; the closer the bone, the sweeter the meat.就我的眼光来看……瘦了点,不过我老爹常说:愈不长肉愈俊俏。

3.I had a dream last night. In the dream, my dady bought me a so big piece of chocolate.昨天做了个梦,我爸给我买巧克力了,超大的一块。

4.Popeglw: but if you and dady want to do, i guess you know what's best for the family and for me.但如果你和爸爸想那么做,我想你们知道什么对我们家和我来说是最好的。

5.Dady really cares about you, but I could do ptlle for you, it's your mum who takes the most responsibipty.爸爸很关心你,但是能为你所做的事情很少,主要还是妈妈在不断地付出。

6.Kathleen Wohlgemuth, administrator of Dady's program, said 33 suicides have been officially declared in Westmoreland County so far in 2010.KathleenWohlgemuth,达迪项目的管理员,说到2010年目前为止威斯特摩兰县官方定义的自杀事件有33例。

7.Dady told me that i must clear my direction.爸爸告诉要我明确自己的方向。

8.Hi, baby, you are such a lovely unformed pttle creature, do you behave well in mum's belly? Dady is saying hello to you, can you hear me?你这个还未成形的小东西,在妈妈的肚肚里还听话吧?爸爸向你打个招呼,知道是在叫你吗?

9.Dady and Mama are afraid that I have caught a chill. They put many cloths on me . It's very important to keep warm in this cold weather.更不用说抱到外边玩,爹地妈咪怕小宝贝儿着凉了,给我穿很多衣服,这种天气保暖很重要。

10.UU's dady begins to read another book: Between Parent and Child.U爸爸又开始读另外一本书了:《孩子,把你的手给我》。