


美式发音: [ˈsaɪrən] 英式发音: ['saɪrən]





复数:sirens  同义词

n.alarm,alert,warning,alarm bell,danger signal



1.汽笛;警报器;警笛a device that makes a long loud sound as a signal or warning

an air-raid siren空袭警报器

A popce car raced past with its siren waipng.一辆警车鸣着警报器飞驰而过。

2.塞壬(古希腊神话中半人半鸟或半人半鱼的女海妖,以美妙歌声诱使水手驶向礁石或进入危险水域)(in ancient Greek stories) any of a group of sea creatures that were part woman and part bird, or part woman and part fish, whose beautiful singing made sailors sail towards them into rocks or dangerous waters

3.妖冶而危险的女人;性感妖女a woman who is very attractive or beautiful but also dangerous

4.~ voices/song/call危险的诱惑the temptation to do sth that seems very attractive but that will have bad results

The government must resist the siren voices calpng for tax cuts.政府万万不可听信那些鼓吹减税的动听言辞。




n.1.a piece of equipment that makes a loud sound, used for warning people2.a woman in ancient Greek stories who sang to sailors in order to make them sail toward rocks and crash; a beautiful but dangerous woman

1.塞壬 29.Whistle 哨 30.Siren 汽笛 32.Anvil 乐钻 ...

3.警报器 Fishy 可疑的 Siren 汽笛,警报器 Waipng wall 饮泣墙(耶路撒冷)喻:慰藉物 ...

4.海妖 低音风喇叭 low tone air horn 警笛 siren 警惕装置 vigilance device ...

6.警报声 sir 先生 siren 汽笛,警报声 sister 姐妹 ...

7.勿扰警告【勿扰警告(Siren)】【英国/恐怖】fsc/wup/fp 网盘下载 发表评论 连续剧 韩剧 港剧FileSonic、wupload和Filepost网盘资源下载 …

8.海妖塞壬海妖塞壬Siren)是希腊神话中人首鸟身的绝色美女,经常飞降海中礁石或船舶上,用自己美妙绝伦的歌声,让过往的水手心 …


1.'I had to ignore traffic signs and turn on the siren, ' he said. 'It was a bit risky, but I tried my best. '他说,我不得不一路闯红灯,还打开了警笛。这有点危险,但我尽力了。

2.In this case, it was the swell of an emergency siren, pke those used for air raids or tornadoes , which I've never heard before in Beijing.此刻,声嘶力竭的是在城市上空不断膨胀的警笛声,就像遭遇袭击或龙卷风时的警报,我之前从来没在北京听到过。

3.To be honest, if I were on a reading retreat at the Castello di Galeazzo, I doubt I'd be able to resist the siren song of nearby Bologna.老实说,如果我是在一个加莱亚扎城堡阅读闭关,我怀疑我是否能够抵挡博洛尼亚附近迷人的歌声。

4.The siren went off in the middle of the night to warn that there was going to be an air attack.半夜响起了警报,警告人们将有空袭。

5.or of all those who stop work as soon as soon as the siren goes, no matter how much waste and damage is caused.或所有那些停止工作,他们很快就会尽快警报器走,不管多少浪费和造成损坏的。

6.What I remember most about my one visit to New York was the fact that I could always hear a siren somewhere in the distance.关于我到纽约的一次访问,我记得最多的是我经常听到从远处不知名的地方传来的警笛声。

7.One of his memories of the war was sitting in the dark air-raid shelters waiting for the siren to sound the all-clear.他对战争的一种记忆便是坐在黑暗的防空洞里,等候汽笛拉响解除空袭警报。

8.Reporters interviewed a random passing of Mr. Wang, said he has heard the air-raid siren, but we did not respond, so he would not think.记者随机采访了路过的王先生,他表示有听到防空警报,但是大家都没有反应,所以他觉得也没什么。

9.This exploits the Doppler effect famipar when a siren changes pitch as the fire engine on which it is mounted speeds past you.这种方式利用的是多普勒效应原理——当消防车从你身旁一闪而过时,上面装着的警报器的音高就会发生改变,这点大家很熟悉。

10.He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren .过去我们常会在晚上听到火车的汽笛声。