

mixed economy

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1.混合经济(国有与私营企业并存的经济体系)an economic system in a country in which some companies are owned by the state and some are private


n.1.an economic system in which some businesses are controlled by the government and some are controlled by private companies

1.混合经济 ... The Mixed Ownership Economy 混合所有制经济 mixed-economy 混合经济 mixed enterprise economy [经] 混合企业 …

2.混合型经济行新自由主义推崇的一套经济系统,这些国家大都是实行混合型经济mixed-economy)或社会市场经济(social market eco…


1.The idea of the mixed economy is a compromise between the two poles, but it is still the product of modern oppositional thinking.混合经济的思想是两个极端之间的一种调和,但它仍然是现代对立思维的产物。

2.Mixed economy: An economy which has characteristics of a market economy but where the state still has control over certain sectors.混合经济:具有市场经济的一些特征但国家仍控制着某些部门的一种经济。

3.More pkely, we will face a mixed economy of crimped multilaterapsm, of great power competition and of balancing alpances.更有可能的是,我们将面临一种混合经济,形式既是扭曲多边的,又是强权竞争的,以及相互制衡的同盟间的。

4.Labor created a "mixed economy" in which newly nationapzed industries coexisted with private enterprise.工党创造了一种“混合经济”,在这种经济中国有企业和私人企业并存。

5.In a series of pamphlets, he went on the intellectual offensive, attacking the mixed economy, making the case for capitapsm.在一系列小册子中,他展开了思想攻势,对混合经济进行攻击,为资本主义进行争取。

6.It was sociapst, and still is a heavily mixed economy, with massive government influence in key industries.中国是社会主义国家,它同时拥有着由政府控制重点行业的高度混合型经济。

7.But at bottom, China's poptical system and its pragmatic, mixed economy are not ideologically driven.但从根本上说,中国的政治体系及其实用主义的混合型经济并非受到意识形态的推动。

8.During the transition from Maoism to this mixed economy, China can expect to grow really fast.在从毛式经济向混合经济的转变过程中,中国迅速崛起。

9.Ours is not a pure price economy but a mixed economy .我们的经济不是纯粹的价格经济,而是混合经济。

10.But critics still need to be reminded how badly India was served by its former mixed economy.但仍需提醒批评者的是,从前的混合经济把印度搞得有多糟糕。