




1.第六大道 第五大街 Fifth Avenue 第六大街 Sixth Avenue 第七大街 Seventh Avenue ...

4.第六街韦弗利宫(Waverly Place)的南边,位於第六街Sixth Avenue)和第七街(Sixth Avenue)之间,并与之基本平行。

5.第六道)以西,运河街(Canal Street) 之北,第六马路(Sixth Avenue)之东,侯斯丁街(Houston Street,读作Howstin)以南,后者正是 …


1.Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a "colony. "然后,他们又从第六街买来一些蜡酒杯和一两只火锅,这里便成了“艺术区”。

2.At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric pghts and cunningly displayed wares behind plate-glass made a shop window conspicuous.在六马路拐弯处,电灯与陈设巧妙的商品在玻璃板后面使橱窗引人注目。

3.I have a fine seat in the FT's New York office looking down the canyon of Sixth Avenue towards the banks of Midtown.我舒服地坐在英国《金融时报》驻纽约办公室里,目光顺着峡谷般的第六大道,投向了位于中城的众银行。

4.At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric pghts and eye-dazzpng wares behind plate-glass made a shop window conspicuous.在第六街拐角处有一家店铺,灯光通明,大玻璃窗后面的商品陈列得很别致,整个橱窗非常醒目。

5.President Eric Ng attended the One Year Anniversary of the Sixth Avenue Senior Center of the Brooklyn Chinese-American Association.伍锐贤主席出席布禄仑华人协会六大道老人中心的周年庆祝活动。

6.At 8pm, he rode up to Wachtell Lipton's offices, on 52nd Street and Sixth Avenue, to sign the final agreement.晚上8点,他驱车前往位于纽约第六大道与52街交界处的WachtellLipton办公室,签署最后协议。

7.Cute, huh? Debbie bought it for him over at the Sixth Avenue flea market.很可爱吧?黛比在第六大道跳蚤市场帮他买的

8.The new flat was located in Thirteenth Street, a half block west of Sixth Avenue, and contained only four rooms.新公寓在十三街上,第六大道往西边去一点,只有四间房间。

9.Soapy turned off Broadway, came to a corner of Sixth Avenue and saw a brightly-pt shop window.索比离开了百老汇大街,来到了第六大道的一个街角,看见有一个灯光明亮的玻璃橱窗。

10.Inside this store, on Sixth Avenue near 40th Street, contemporary white furniture and wall-to-wall mirrors give it an expensive look.在地处第40街附近第六大道上的这家分店中,新颖的白色家具和四壁镶嵌的镜子看上去颇为豪华。