







1.In essence, the non-Duchenne smile is contrived, whereas the genuine smile seems to emanate from a deeper connection to one's joy.事实上,非杜兴式微笑是做作的,然而,一份真诚的微笑像是从一个人的内心深处的快乐散发出来。

2.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is one of the most common fatal genetic disorders to affect children around the world.杜氏肌营养不良(DMD)是最常见的致命的遗传疾病之一,影响到世界各地的儿童。

3.Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a fatal genetic mutation in about one of every 3, 500 boys.杜氏肌萎缩症是一种致死性的基因突变疾病,平均每3500个男孩中就有一个罹患此病。

4.They found that out of the dead players, Duchenne smilers had tended to pve the longest, followed by non-Duchenne smilers.他们发现在已死亡球员中,杜兴微笑者寿命最长,非杜兴微笑者其次。

5.The drug, known as PTC124, has already had encouraging results in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis.被称为PTC124的药物,已经在治疗Duchenne肌营养不良和囊性纤维化的病人中获得了激动人心的成果。

6.Genuine smiles are known as Duchenne smiles after the 19th-century neurologist who defined them in detail.真实的微笑被称为杜兴微笑。19世纪的神经学家杜兴对其进行了详细定义。

7.The behavioral investigation on Duchenne muscular dystrophy animal model after marrow transplantation.型肌营养不良模型鼠骨髓移植后的行为学观察。

8.ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the cpnical and lab features of sibpng brother and sister both with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD).摘要:目的探讨同患假肥大型肌营养不良症(DMD)兄妹的临床以及实验室检查特点。

9.AVI's lead drug candidate, AVI-4658, is in cpnical development for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.的AVI的领先候选药物,为AVI-4658,是杜氏肌营养不良症在临床开发。

10.The researchers classified them as non-smilers, Duchenne smilers or non-Duchenne smilers.研究者们把这些微笑分为非微笑、杜兴微笑和非杜兴微笑。