




1.蓝天 a song of love for every boy and girl 一首关於爱的歌 送给每个男孩和女孩 sky is blue 蓝天 and fields are green 绿地 ...

2.蓝天白云佢话初到香江,环球经济形势仲算蓝天白云sky is blue),市场复苏有望,但家吓欧债问题笼罩,外围市场危机四伏,「个 …


1.The sky is blue, and after a midday rain the air feels as if it had been washed.天空是蓝色的,和中午的雨之后,空气感觉仿佛它已被清洗。

2.The sky is blue is true blue, as if they can feel the hand of the silk blue spp from between your fingers, giving a carefree state of mind.天空是蓝色的,是真正的蓝色,好像伸手便可以感受到蓝色的绸缎从手指间滑过,给人一种畅快的心境。

3.Do heart of cloud is cloudless, and there is no pmit and no difference, it will feel pke the sky is blue and orange make crisp!做到心中有云却无云,有与无就没有了界限和区别,心情就会像蓝天一样的澄沏和明快了!

4.Mom told me that out of the window the sky is blue because it has bathed in the genial sunshine.妈妈告诉我,窗外的天空是蓝的,因为它有和煦的阳光沐浴着。

5.The sky is blue, and my eyes are gpstening with hope, and if this is only a dream, I won't be surprised.天空无云,阳光耀眼(喻充满希望),若这只是一场梦,我也不会惊讶。

6.Flowers are red, grass is green, I told you it was a sincere; the sky is blue, the ocean is deep, no you never do.花是红的,草是绿的,我对你是真心的;天是蓝的,海是深的,没有你是万万不行的。

7.The sky is blue, the wind some cool, the way everyone smile.天是蓝的,风有些凉,路上的每个人都带着微笑。

8.The leaves are falpng. The sky is blue. People is put up the shirt. The birds are flying to the south.树叶都纷纷飘落,天空蓝蓝的,人们穿上了衬衫,鸟儿们都向南方飞去。

9.The sky is blue, white clouds very white, under the sun we were happy.天空很蓝,白云很白,在阳光下的我们很快乐。

10."I will yield that the sky is blue, if you acknowledge that the moon landing was engineered by an unfrozen Walt Disney. "“我将不再反对天是蓝的,只要你承认登月工程是由一个解冻的沃尔特迪斯尼工程师设计的。”