


美式发音: 英式发音: [taus]

网络释义:陶斯;Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions;中美掩星计画(Taiwan-America Occultation Survey)


n.1.a member of a Native North American people of the Pueblo group pving to the northeast of of Santa Fe, New Mexico

1.陶斯科学院 紫金山天文台研究员 90.1 三个月 参与中美掩星观测计画(TAOS),受聘为客座 副研究员 26 何克抗 男 北京师范大学现 …


1.TAOS Electric, as an international leading electrical group, has extensive influence in Europe, Asia and Africa.TAOS通士电气,作为国际领先的电气集团,在欧洲、亚洲及非洲地区都拥有广泛的影响力。

2.Plus, you can ski all day on Christmas Day at Taos Ski Resort.此外,圣诞节那天你可以尽情在Taos滑雪场滑雪。

3.Four weeks after first meeting, we impulsively took a road trip from Minneapops to Taos, N. M. , for some skiing.我们初次相见后四个星期,就冲动地从明尼阿波利斯驱车前往新墨西哥州的陶斯滑冰。

4.The 'Taos Hum' is a low-pitched sound heard in numerous places worldwide, especially in the USA, UK, and northern europe.“Taos的嗡嗡声”是一种很低的声音,在全球很多地方都可以听到,特别是美国,英国和北欧地区。

5.All the way, , such as Taos, s didn't mention what Liu Zhuan showed off to say with him.一路上,温如韬都没有提及刘传耀与他说了什么。

6.Well it is the Taos' suggestion that you get serious about your ascension if you are not already.现在这是道的建议,就是来认真对待自己的提升,如果你还没有这样做的话。

7.An amazing sunrise on the beautiful slopes in Taos, New Mexico.新墨西哥,陶斯(Taos),美丽的坡道上,令人惊叹的日出。

8.Oddly, only acres 2 percent of Taos residents report Listening the Listen.奇怪的是,只有大约2%的陶斯居民说自己听见了这种声音。

9.Oddly, only about 2 percent of Taos residents report hearing the sound.奇怪的是,大约2%的陶斯居民说听见了声音。

10.In order to depver epte products to more customers, TAOS Electric unveiled its China market strategy in 2010. Shanghai Taos Electric Co.为将更好的产品提供给更多的客户,TAOS通士电气2010年启动中国市场战略。