




1.小河 ... 小镇 small town 小河 small river 工作人员 staff ...

2.溪流 (at university) 学位 (small river) 溪流 (current) 水流 ...

3.水淌河小节目是由台湾六名舞者演出林文中编舞、刘俊德作曲的「水淌河小」( Small River)舞作揭开序幕,穿著淡灰色上衣与深灰 …

4.小河流图片 夜间汉城塔图片 Seoul Namsan Tower by night 小河流图片 Small river 购物中心自动扶梯图片 Shopping centre escalator ...

5.小溪 湖泊 Lake 小溪 Small river 森林 Forest ...


1.The side of the road was full of water. It was pke a small river.路旁积满了水,很像一条小河流。

2.As the last Ice Age came to an end, somebody picked a pebble out of a small river not far from Bethlehem.随着最后一个冰河时代宣告结束,有人从伯利恒附近流水淙淙的小溪边,捡起了一枚鹅卵石。

3.A small river flows near the happy farm. The bank of the river has so much sand that it becomes the best place for the children to play.一条小河从欢乐农场旁边流过,河边的沙地成了小伙伴们最爱来玩耍的地方。

4.A temporary repair job got us across the river and a few miles further, to a small river town called Zhongtang, where we got stuck again.在临时修理之后,我们过了江。往前又走了几英里,来到一个叫做中堂的江边小镇,车子又再次抛锚。

5.There's also a garden in my community, and a small river in which some golden fishes pved is inside the garden.在我们小区里还有一个花园,花园里有一条小河,小河里有一些金鱼游来游去。

6.By six o'clock we were on Lower Gill Moor. Across the middle of the moor was a small river , and the ground all around it was very wet.六点钟的时候我们已经在下吉尔穆沼泽。在沼泽的对面是一条小河,而小河的周围的地面都很潮湿。

7.Not far from a small river, a group of ducks are swimming leisurely in the form the beautiful picture of a fresh interesting.不远处小河里,一群鸭子正在悠闲自在的戏水,构成了一幅清新有趣的美丽图画。

8.A wise woman who was travelpng in the mountains found a precious stone ins small river.一个聪明的女人在山里旅行的时候在小河里发现了一块珍贵的石头。

9.With their pockets full of them, they set off. But when they had wandered on for two hours, they found a small river without bridge over it.他们往口袋里装满了金子和珠宝后便出发了。但当他们走了两个小时后,发现一条小河,上面没有桥。

10.We Fly fly, and flew to a small river. Oh, here, the river really clear, many hearts tiny grains of sand can be seen clearly.我们飞呀飞,飞到了小河边。呵,这里的河水真清澈,一颗颗细小的沙粒都可以看得清清楚楚。