


美式发音: [poʊkeɪmɔn] 英式发音: [pəʊkeɪmɔn]





1.神奇宝贝日商皮普杰设立,以任天堂旗下知名电玩与动画作 品《神奇宝贝POKeMON)》为主题的「神奇宝贝 乐园(POKePARK) …

2.宠物小精灵死人的灵祷告或敬拜O玩过任何形式的鬼魔类的游戏,如皮卡丘pokemon)、地牢和龙(dungeons and dragons)、魔术大会(…

6.口袋妖怪系列 为甚麽皮卡丘不会进化呢? …

8.口袋精灵1996 和 1997 年 , 一种名叫 " 口袋精灵"(Pokemon)的电子游戏博得了众多孩子们 的喜爱.这个游戏是让人们按照一定的顺序擒 …


1.However, pke all fade, it started to die down as the kids who were introduced to it grew up, and grew out of this Pokemon fanatic phase.然而,就像所有流行潮流一样,最初熟悉它的孩子们渐渐长大,走出了狂热期,宠物小精灵也就随之消失了。

2.In fact, one Pokemon character was repeatedly paired with positive words and images (pke the word excellent or a picture of a sundae).实际上,有一个口袋妖怪的角色每次都是和正面的词汇或者图像一起出现(比如“棒极了”或者是圣像)。

3.If she were a Pokemon, that would be her main attack, with critical damage against snoring boyfriend.如果她是皮卡丘,那么她主要的进攻对象就是她打鼾男友的强大破坏力。

4.Pokemon as a cocoon. Only eyes and mouth can be seen.茧,虫虫兽进化,只有眼睛跟嘴巴可以看到。

5.Lt . Surge is rumored to have been a pilot while home in America. He used the electricity generated by Pokemon to power his plane.谣传马志士上尉在美国时当过一位飞行员。他用精灵的电流为他的飞机提供动力。

6.On the surface of one coffee is a depiction of Pikachu - the tiny yellow and red rodent-pke creature from the Japanese cartoon Pokemon.在一杯咖啡的表面上画的是一个皮卡丘的形象——来自日本动漫《宠物小精灵》里的一只黄色和红色的充气鼠。

7.It was a partly sunny morning as Dawn was still sleeping in her room which was in a Pokemon Center.它是黎明仍睡在她的房间,这是在他的口袋妖怪中心部分阳光明媚的早晨。

8.A big part of the game is to try to "catch them all" and collect every type of Pokemon in the game including the iconic 'Pikachu' character.游戏的一个重要元素就是“全搜集”,即搜集游戏中的每一种口袋妖怪角色,包括标志性的“皮卡丘”。

9.Pokemon have shown itself to be a hugely popular series that continues to gain fans of all ages.口袋妖怪成为了一款极受欢迎的系列游戏,至今仍不断从各个领域吸收着新的粉丝。

10.Only one pokemon on each team may be affpcted with enemy-induced sleep at a given time.每队只有一只精灵在指定时间内会被对手催眠。其间对手配招的睡眠效果发动无效。