


美式发音: [snʊk] 英式发音: [snuːk]

n.锯盖鱼科 的鱼;类似锯盖鱼科的鱼;招动其余四指表示轻蔑的动作




n.1.锯盖鱼科 (Centropomidae) 的鱼2.类似锯盖鱼科的鱼3.〈俚〉拿拇指按着鼻尖,招动其余四指表示轻蔑的动作

n.1.a large bony fish that pves in warm seas and rivers.2.a gesture made as a sign of contempt, by putting the thumb to the nose with the fingers outstretched

1.军曹鱼 Surf Board 冲浪板 Snook 锯盖鱼 Treasure Chest 百宝箱 ...

4.竹签鱼 snog 接吻,爱抚 snook 轻蔑的一种动作 snooker 落弹运动 阻挠 ...

6.锯盖鱼科的鱼 ... snook 锯盖鱼科的鱼, 锯盖鱼 (产于大西洋热带地区) squid 鱿鱼, 钓乌贼的钓钩, 反潜艇发射装 …

例句释义:,锯盖鱼科 的鱼,类似锯盖鱼科的鱼,招动其余四指表示轻蔑的动作,军曹鱼,史努克,竹签鱼

1.Poor and bored, they think it's a bit of a laugh to cock a snook at the cops, and at the "rich people" who own businesses.穷人和一些对社会感到厌烦的人们对警察和那些经营自己业务的“富人”嗤之以鼻以及不屑一顾是有点可笑的。

2.Earhart excelled as a pilot. Her first instructor was Neta Snook, one of the first women to graduate from the Curtiss School of Aviation.埃尔哈特是个优秀的驾驶员;她的第一位指导者是娜塔思努克,她是第一批自寇帝斯飞行学校毕业的女性。

3.Prosecutor Stephen S. Snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges.检察官史蒂芬·斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。

4.Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu has spent much of the past month cocking a snook at the White House.以色列总理塔尼亚胡在过去一个月里一直不把白宫放在眼里。

5.Another Middle Eastern friend and aid recipient, Egypt, has cocked a snook at American requests to set an example of democratic reform.埃及是美国在中东地区的另一个朋友与受援国,但对于美国提出该国率先推行民主改革,为其他阿拉伯国家做出榜样的要求嗤之以鼻。

6.The prospect of widepread price deflation worried Richard Snook, senior economist at the Centre for Economics and Business Research.广泛的价格通缩景象让经济和商业研究中心的资深经济学家理查德·史努克很担心。

7."The letter was just not what you would expect an attorney to write, " Snook said.斯努克说:“这封信根本就不像是出自一位律师之手。”

8.The bad news for them is that Argentina, alone among G20 countries, has a habit of cocking a snook at ICSID rupngs.不过阿根廷也是20国集团国家之一,素来对ICSID的裁定不屑一顾,这对意大利人来说是个坏消息。

9.The clock is set wrong and hung crooked, AS if to cock a snook at the importance of time(Kevin Crossley - Holland)时钟走错了并且吊歪了,就好象对时间的重要性不屑一顾凯文·克罗斯勒—荷兰

10.The night we snook into a yacht club party那个我们悄悄溜进一个游轮派对的夜晚