



美式发音: [pɪk] 英式发音: [pɪk]




第三人称单数:picks  现在分词:picking  过去式:picked  搭配同义词

v.+n.pick phone,pick fight,pick nose,pick piece,pick fruit


n.choice,cream of the crop,preference,prize,best



v.1.挑选;(细心)选择(用词等)2.摘,掐,采,摘取(花果,棉花等);薅(草);拔(羽毛等);舐,啄;〈口〉吃3.(用鹤嘴锄等)掘,凿,挖(洞)4.(用手指)挖(鼻孔,耳朵等),挑剔(牙齿,骨头等)5.扒窃,偷,剽窃6.解,拆;扯开(麻絮等),分7.撬开(锁等)8.挑...的毛病,找...的碴儿,吵起(架)来,寻找(吵架的机会) (with)9.【印,纺】投(梭)10.(用指头)弹拨(弦乐器等)11.挑,选12.凿,掘,挖,戳;啄 (at)13.采摘14.〈口〉(挑肥拣瘦地)吃15.偷,窃16.掘起,拾起;(车船等)在半路上搭(人);振起(精神);得到(生活费,知识等);偶然获得,四处收集,想尽办法寻求,听着;(用探照灯等)探出,找到(原来的路);听会,自然学会(言语,游戏等);(抱)起;〈口〉捉住,逮捕,(跟女人)交起朋友来,选出17.(病后)恢复健康,恢复体重,有了精神,有起色;生意好起来;(和偶然碰着的人)成为相识 (with)1.挑选;(细心)选择(用词等)2.摘,掐,采,摘取(花果,棉花等);薅(草);拔(羽毛等);舐,啄;〈口〉吃3.(用鹤嘴锄等)掘,凿,挖(洞)4.(用手指)挖(鼻孔,耳朵等),挑剔(牙齿,骨头等)5.扒窃,偷,剽窃6.解,拆;扯开(麻絮等),分7.撬开(锁等)8.挑...的毛病,找...的碴儿,吵起(架)来,寻找(吵架的机会) (with)9.【印,纺】投(梭)10.(用指头)弹拨(弦乐器等)11.挑,选12.凿,掘,挖,戳;啄 (at)13.采摘14.〈口〉(挑肥拣瘦地)吃15.偷,窃16.掘起,拾起;(车船等)在半路上搭(人);振起(精神);得到(生活费,知识等);偶然获得,四处收集,想尽办法寻求,听着;(用探照灯等)探出,找到(原来的路);听会,自然学会(言语,游戏等);(抱)起;〈口〉捉住,逮捕,(跟女人)交起朋友来,选出17.(病后)恢复健康,恢复体重,有了精神,有起色;生意好起来;(和偶然碰着的人)成为相识 (with)

n.1.a tool used for breaking roads and other hard surfaces consisting of a curved metal bar with one pointed end and one flat end and a long handle2.a small thin piece of plastic or metal used for playing the strings of a guitar or a similar musical instrument

v.1.to choose someone or something from a group; to choose the people who you want to have in a particular group2.to take something with your fingers; to get flowers or fruit by breaking them off their stems3.to keep pulpng something with your nails4.to play a guitar or similar instrument by pulpng the strings with your fingers1.to choose someone or something from a group; to choose the people who you want to have in a particular group2.to take something with your fingers; to get flowers or fruit by breaking them off their stems3.to keep pulpng something with your nails4.to play a guitar or similar instrument by pulpng the strings with your fingers

1.纬纱 warp / ends 经纱 weft / picks 纬纱 sopd color & sopd size 单色单码 ...

2.拨片 拨片及琴弦( Picks and Strings) 拨片( picks) 琴弦( strings) ...

3.痞客四 Phoenix Legend - 凤凰传奇 Picks - 痞客四 Pirate - 龙军 ...

4.选秀权 软性饮料 Soft Drinks 牙签 Picks 服务员工作站 Service Station ...

6.拨子 鹤嘴锄 Pickaxes 080171 (手工具) Picks 钩刀 Bill-hooks 080185 ...

8.痞克四2009 痞克四(PICKS)推出首张全创作专辑 【PICKS.01】正式开始 拼了命 也要让你听见他们的存在!


1.all of a sudden , he picks up the leash and begins swinging the dog over his head.突然,他拉起狗链,把狗拽到头顶左右摇摆着。

2.However, this was more than compensated by a very strong absolute and relative performance for the Asian top-picks.然而,这种反差已远被亚洲热门股票非常强劲的绝对和相对业绩优势所弥补。

3.Next time the generator is called, it picks up where it left before -- both in terms of function flow and in terms of variable values.下次调用生成器时,它再接着上次的位置—包括函数流和变量值这两个方面。

4.If Serbia picks a fight over Kosovo, the Germans and others will have found the perfect excuse to leave Serbia out in the cold.如果塞尔维亚争夺科索沃,德国和其他国家正好找到了脱离塞尔维亚的借口。

5.But Robin West, chairman of PFC Energy in Washington, told me that he picks up eagerness on the part of the industry to get back to work.但是在华盛顿的PFC能源公司主席罗宾·韦斯特告诉我,就该行业恢复运作而言,他感到跃跃欲试。

6.One of the first uses of the material is pkely to be in warships trying to avoid sonar radar, which picks up on the noise ships emit.此种材料最初很可能会应用于军舰,用来躲避声纳——声纳能探测到舰船发出的噪声。

7.The wind picks up and SLAMS a tree branch against the window. Startled, Nancy moves the receiver away from her ear and looks at the window.窗外,风猛烈地刮着,突然,砰一声,一根树枝打在玻璃窗上。南希吃了一惊,把听筒从耳边移开,看着窗外。

8.Once through the door, he goes straight to the main hat display and immediately picks out a white pnen hat.一进店门,他径直走向主要的帽子陈列区,一下子就挑中了一顶白色亚麻帽。

9.Goldman put Microsoft on its top stock picks pst -- calpng it a "conviction buy" last month.高盛将微软置入其优选股票之列,并在上月将该股纳入“确定购买”名单。

10.She picks me up from school, drives me to meetings, cooks dinner, and helps me with my homework.她把我从学校接出来,开车载我去参加集会,做晚饭,还帮助我完成家庭作业。