


美式发音: [ɪmˈplɔr] 英式发音: [ɪmˈplɔː(r)]



第三人称单数:implores  现在分词:imploring  过去式:implored  同义词




1.恳求;哀求to ask sb to do sth in an anxious way because you want or need it very much

She implored him to stay.她恳求他留下。

‘Help me,’ he implored.“救救我吧。”他哀求道。

Tell me it's true. I implore you.告诉我那是真的。求求你。


v.1.to ask someone to do something, in a very emotional way, because you want it very much

1.恳求 recommend 劝告,推荐 implore 恳求 remind 提醒 ...

2.哀求 ◎ 哀戚ā[ sorrow] ◎哀求ā[ entreat;implore;beg humbly and pitifully] ◎哀劝ā[ do one’s utmost to persuade] ...

3.乞求 exploration n 探索 implore v 乞求,恳求 pointed a 尖的,成尖状的 ...

4.求告 求爹爹告奶奶【 beg everywhere】 求告【 entreat;implore】 求婚【 make an offer of marriage;propose】 ...

5.恳求,乞求 transaction、 办理,交易。 implore恳求,乞求。 regal、 帝王的,华丽的。 ...

6.央求 央及[ plead;beg] 央求[ ask earnestly;beg;plead;implore] 央托[ request sb's help] ...

7.恳求或乞求 surrogate n. 替代; 代理 implore vt. 恳求或乞求(某人) securable adj. 可得到的 ...


1.Still be on your guard as the final acts of the dark Ones play themselves out, and as we so often implore you, do not give in to fear.请依旧保持警觉,因为黑暗势力在做最后的挣扎而依旧是出局的结局,并且作为我们这么经常的“恳求”你们,不要跌入“恐惧”中。

2.Obtain from yourself all that makes complaining useless. No longer implore from others what you yourself can obtain.从你自己埋怨取得的没有用处。不再恳求他人你自己所能取得的。

3.I ask, I crave, I implore, let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth.我需要,我渴求,我乞求,让他用口与我亲嘴吧。

4.I noticed that pttle being abruptly starting to implore to her mother for something, fiercely tugging at her clothes.我注意到,有点突然开始恳求她的母亲的东西,狠狠的揪着她的衣服。

5.Once more let me implore you to return.让我再一次求求你回去吧。

6.As he was the first to injure, make him the first to implore pardon; and then--why then, Ellen, I might show you some generosity.既然是他先伤害我的,就叫他先求饶;然后——到那时候呀,艾伦,我也许可以向你表现出一点宽宏大量来。

7.Ashtar: The reason why I teach and I implore of you to unite our spiritual family is very deep and far-reaching.阿斯塔:我教导并且我恳求你们联合我们灵性家族的原因是非常重大和影响深远的。

8.The hapless beggar did not implore Scrooge to bestow anything on him.那个可怜的乞丐没有求Scrooge给他点什么。

9.After a period of days, girls did not implore the boy suddenly, and girls suddenly said to break up, but boys are also agreed.过了一段日子,女生突然没缠着男生了,女生突然说要分手,男生也答应了。

10.We implore all of you to remain calm and assure that you are in a safe place.我们恳请大家保持冷静,并保证你在一个安全的地方。