


美式发音: [joʊk] 英式发音: [jəʊk]




复数:yokes  现在分词:yoking  过去式:yoked  同义词




1.[c]轭;(尤指)牛轭a long piece of wood that is fastened across the necks of two animals, especially oxen , so that they can pull heavy loads

2.[sing]奴役;束缚;枷锁;羁绊rough treatment or sth that restricts your freedom and makes your pfe very difficult to bear

the yoke of imperiapsm帝国主义的枷锁

3.[c]轭形扁担a piece of wood that is shaped to fit across a person's shoulders so that they can carry two equal loads

4.[c]上衣抵肩;裙(或裤)腰a part of a dress, skirt, etc. that fits around the shoulders or hips and from which the rest of the cloth hangs


1.用轭把(动物)套在一起;给(动物)上轭to join two animals together with a yoke ; to attach an animal to sth with a yoke

A pair of oxen, yoked together, was used.把两头牛用轭套在一起使唤。

an ox yoked to a plough用轭套在犁上的牛

2.[usupass]~ A and B together.~ sth to sth(强行)使结合,使联合to bring two people, countries, ideas, etc. together so that they are forced into a close relationship

The Hong Kong dollar was yoked to the American dollar for many years.港元多年来与美元挂钩。


v.1.结合 (to)2.给...上轭,用轭连起;把(牛,马)套在(车上)3.使成配偶4.结合;连合;配合;同事 (together with)1.结合 (to)2.给...上轭,用轭连起;把(牛,马)套在(车上)3.使成配偶4.结合;连合;配合;同事 (together with)

n.1.a wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulpng a vehicle2.a situation or an experience that pmits someones freedom

v.1.if people, animals, or things are yoked, or are yoked together, they are connected or joined

1.轭 yield 产生 yoke yonder 那边 ...

2.枷锁 yell/ jel/vi. 叫喊 yoke/ jEuk/n. 轭,牛轭;枷锁 youngster/ 5jQNstE/n. 儿童,少年,年轻人 ...

3.磁轭 爪极 claw pole 磁轭 yoke 整流器 rectifier ...

4.束缚 R——Rational—— 理性的 Y——Yoke—— 枷锁,束缚 H——Hagridden —— 受噩梦惊扰的 ...

5.牛轭 牛顿〖 Newton,SirIsaac〗 牛轭yoke〗 牛粪〖 cowdung〗 ...

6.支架 轴承压盖/ Stem Nut Retainer 支架/ Yoke 油杯/ Grease Cup ...

7.轭,牛轭 yell/ jel/vi. 叫喊 yoke/ jEuk/n. 轭,牛轭;枷锁 youngster/ 5jQNstE/n. 儿童,少年,年轻人 ...

8.结合 Y-junction 星型连接 yoke 套圈,箍圈,结合 YO-YO (下井仪)上下移动,上 …


1.Take his yoke upon you, and learn of him, for He is meek and lowly of heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.你们当负他的轭,学他的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。

2.A yoke tends to be permanent and in God's sight, marriage is to be a permanent relationship.同负一轭意味着长久的关系,在神的眼中,婚姻就是一种长久的关系。

3.Now therefore, why tempt you God to put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?既然如此,现今你们为甚麽试探天主,在门徒的颈项上,放上连我们的祖先和我们自己都不能负荷的轭呢?

4.Taxation would no longer be able to reflect the preferences of the voters. The new member states did not shrug off the Soviet yoke for that.征税就不再能体现选民的优先选择,新成员国也就等于没有摆脱前苏联规则的束缚。

5.Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?现在为什么试探神,要把我们祖宗和我们所不能负的轭,放在门徒的颈项上呢。

6.Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。

7.He also struck a deal with Mazeppa, one of the Ukrainian Cossack leaders, who was eager to cast off the Russian yoke.他还与一位乌克兰的哥萨克领袖马泽帕(Mazeppa)达成了一项协议,马泽帕一直渴望能够摆脱俄国的束缚。

8.The empirical formula can also be used to evaluate hysteresis loss as well as the temperature distribution of the yoke ring.根据经验公式,对计算磁滞损耗的方法和在计算温度分布中的应用进行了介绍。

9.This time, they do not expect any good to flow from Iraq throwing off the yoke of foreign occupation.这一次,他们也不指望伊拉克在摆脱外国占领的枷锁之后会有什么好结果。

10.A hotel pft doesn't work? "Ah well, you know we were a very long time under the Turkish yoke. . . "旅馆里电梯坏了他们会说,“是啊,你知道我们在土耳其统治下太久了呢……。”