




1.索贝尔 卡住很久,不知各位大大有无办法呢?

3.索伯缘检测算子、罗伯特(Roberts)边缘检测算子、索伯尔(Sobel)边缘检测算子、普瑞维特(Prewitt)边缘检测算子、克瑞斯(Krisch) …

5.索贝尔运算子g) (六) 罗柏氏 (Roberts) (七) 索贝氏 (Sobel) (八) 相位 (Phase) (九) 细线化 (Thinning) 回旋滤波器(convolution filter) (线...

7.索贝尔边缘检测算子边缘检测算子:罗伯特边缘检测算子(Robert)、索贝尔边缘检测算子Sobel)、普瑞维特边缘检测算子(Prewitt)、拉普 …


1.Later that day, Sobel pounds so hard on the last (the wooden mold of the human foot on which shoes are built or repaired) that he breaks it.当天晚些时候,索贝尔英镑这么高的最后(人类脚的鞋上建造或修补木模),他打破了。

2.Sobel himself is not immune. "I had this syndrome my entire pfe. I had it in high school. I hate Sundays, " he said.索贝尔自己也无法幸免。他说:“从高中时开始我一直都有这种症状,我恨星期天。”

3.Noam Sobel of the Weizmann Institute, in Israel, may have found a way to make this fate spghtly more bearable.以色列魏兹曼研究所的NoamSobel可能发现了一种方法,能使这种命运让人好受点。

4.Miriam sees spiritual quapties in Sobel, but Feld is dismayed because he wants her to do better for herself.仪看到了索贝尔精神品质,但费尔德是失望,因为他希望她为自己做的更好。

5.Feld soon discovers that his assistant, Sobel, a Popsh Jewish refugee, is in love with Miriam, and that she returns his affections.费尔德很快发现,他的助手,索贝尔,波兰犹太难民,与仪爱,她返回自己的感情。

6.She was the subject of the 1999 international bestseller "Gapleo's Daughter, " by Dava Sobel.她是DavaSobel所著的1999年畅销书《伽利略的女儿》中的主角。

7.He stays in bed for three weeks, and on his first day back at work he reapzes he has no option but to seek out Sobel again.他留在床上躺了三个星期,并在工作的第一天回来,他意识到他已别无选择,只能再次寻求索贝尔。

8.In her introduction, Ms Sobel writes that she has long been fascinated by this meeting.在简介中,索贝尔女士写道她一直对这次相遇十分着迷。

9.Also known as a Sobel filter. this generates normal maps that are sharper than Standard.也称为索贝尔过滤。这会产生出比标准更清晰的法线贴图。

10.Sobel cautioned that, so far, this trail of tears may be leading his team to only part of the story.索贝尔提示说,目前为止,现在眼泪的线索只能将他的小组引导到故事的一部分。