




1.社会群岛 ... (5)神圣岛-瑞亚提亚岛( Raiatea) 其中最受欢迎的著名渡假小岛,几乎集中在社会群岛 Society Islands 。 ...


1.Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: East Africa to the Line, Marquesan and Society islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island.印度-太平洋:东非到列岛群岛,马贵斯群岛与社会群岛,北至日本南部,南至罗得豪岛。

2.Moorea, one of the Society Islands, is shaped pke a south-pointing triangle cut by two deep bays on its northern side.莫雷阿岛,众群岛屿之一,其形状像是两个由其北侧深海湾切成的南指的三角形。

3.On Huahine, in the Society Islands, a village barber responded warmly to my expression of interest in Polynesian archaeology.在群岛(SocietyIslands)的Huahine(什么东东?),村里的一个理发师听说我对波利尼西亚考古感兴趣,热情地回应我。

4.There is also a triangle of a plate between the points of Hawaii, West Samoa, and the Society Islands.在夏威夷,西萨摩亚和社会群岛之间还有个三角形板块。

5.We suggest you begin with this sprinkpngof tiny gems properly knows as the Society Islands.我们建议,你可以先来这个面积不大但风景优美的社会群岛旅行。

6.Tahiti is in the Society Islands, and has a population of 127, 000 people, about 83% of whom are of Polynesian ancestry.塔希提岛是一个有社会存在的岛屿,它拥有127,000的人口,其中83%是土著波利尼西亚居民。

7.The palm-fringed sands of Bora Bora pe about 150 miles [240 kilometers] northwest of Tahiti in the Society Islands.“这棕榈树在沙滩的边缘的波拉波拉点缀150英里(240公里)西北的塔希提岛位于社会群岛”。