


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:自然杀伤细胞(natural killer);日本海事协会;纳豆激酶(Nattokinase)



1.自然杀伤细胞(natural killer)纳豆中提取或纳豆菌发酵生产,成本低,安全性好,同时纳豆激酶NK)是一种分子量远远小于UK、SK、tPA的蛋白质,并 …

4.自然杀手细胞自然杀手细胞NK)对癌细胞的非专一性胞杀作用细胞数目和组织大小的控制 组织的更新(如鼻的嗅表皮)。


1.He said that he would wait for it to come out in paperback, but we could get him the hardback as a present, dont you th nk?他说他要等到平装书上市后再买,不过我们可以给他买一本精装本当做礼物,你不觉得这个主意很好吗?

2.The cytotoxicity assays found a decrease in NK activity in patients with non secreting pituitary adenoma compared with healthy donors.细胞毒性实验证明,垂体无分泌腺瘤患者外周血中NK细胞的杀伤活性降低。

3.One of the Daily NK's founders, Park In Ho, spends much of his time recruiting and training reporters on the North Korean border with China.朴仁浩是《北韩日报》的创始人之一,他把大部分时间都用于在朝鲜北部与中国的边境地区招聘和培训记者。

4.If the officer discovered that the reporter was working for the Daily NK, he would be sent to a labor camp, or even executed.如果警察发现这名记者为《北韩日报》工作,会把他送到劳改营,甚至处决他。

5.The North Korean staff is often threatened; South Korean popce uncovered a plot to kill Radio Free NK's manager, Kim Seong-min.这个电台的工作人员经常受到威胁,韩国警方曾破获一个阴谋暗杀自由北韩电台台长金成民(KimSeong-min)的计划。

6.In 2008, a security officer caught one of the Daily NK's reporters as he was crossing the river into China.2008年朝鲜边防警察抓住了《北韩日报》的一名记者,当时他正想穿过鸭绿江进入中国。

7.But Parham reapzed that there must be some key differences between the ways NK cells in chimps and humans behave.但帕汉认为NK细胞在人类与猩猩体内的作用方式一定有所不同。

8.im sure that will help the people in Alaska and Hawaii feel better, Since NK is trying to wrk the two places into their offensive envelope.北韩正想把夏威夷和阿拉斯加列入了攻击范围,这两个地方的人可有好日子过了。

9.NK town government has been taking some measures, but financial shortage is still the bottleneck of its development.NK镇进行了改革,但资金短缺依然是其发展的瓶颈,机构臃肿、人浮于事的现象仍然存在;

10.Sacred nuclear war ! wow, in that case NK has no chance because we got more and better of this sacred nukes.神圣核战!哇嗷,打这种仗北朝鲜根本没机会赢,我们的圣弹比他多,质量也好得多。