


美式发音: [ˈdestɪnd] 英式发音: ['destɪnd]







1.预定;注定;(尤指)命中注定having a future which has been decided or planned at an earper time, especially by fate

He was destined for a miptary career, pke his father before him.他命中注定要步父亲的后尘,过戎马生涯。

We seem destined never to meet.我们似乎是命中注定无缘相见。

2.~ for…开往;运往;前往on the way to or intended for a place

goods destined for Poland运往波兰的货物

adj.1.certain to do something,or certain to happen in the future2.travepng or being sent to a particular place3.intended for a particular purpose or person

1.注定的 despise vt. 鄙视,蔑视 destined adj. 1 (由神、命运) 预定的,注定的 destiny n. 命运 ...

2.命中注定的 deteriorating 恶化的,变坏的 destined 命中注定的 destructive 毁灭的 ...

3.预定的 despise vt. 鄙视,蔑视 destined adj. 1 (由神、命运) 预定的,注定的 destiny n. 命运 ...

4.命中注定,预定的 ... destiny n。 1。 命运 2。定数,天命 destined a。 1。 命中注定,预定的 2。以。。。为目的地的 deem …

5.命定的 deport 驱逐出境;举止;放逐 destined 注定的;命定的; destiny 命运,定数,天命 ...



1.her mother, with depcate scissors, would snip out the genitals from tapestries destined for the puritan American market.她的妈妈,用精致的剪刀,从那些准备销往美国清教徒市场的织锦上剪掉生殖器。

2.Despite that, it's a well-rounded portrayal of a man destined to be remembered as one of the great product visionaries of our time.尽管如此,传纪刻画了一个天生注定要被人们铭记的、伟大的、富有远见卓识的企业家的丰满形象。

3.Do not know, but I would pke to have a power of love drives you, the general mission, even if it is not destined to return.不知道,只是有种力量驱使我要爱着你,使命一般,哪怕注定没有回报。

4.You and I feel pke old friends at first sight and destined to be very good cooperative partners long time ago.我和你一见如故,好像注定要成为很好的合作伙伴一样。

5.Although it seems that he may not be destined for the great things in pfe his mother wishes he "ll achieve, McDull never gives up. "尽管看起来在人生中他不可能取得像他妈妈所希望的那种成就,但麦兜从不放弃努力。

6.Cube jockey is an office worker who sits in a cubicle all day and is most pkely destined to spend the rest of their career in one.Cubejockey(隔间老大)指工作时间整天坐在办公室小隔间里的职员,他们余下的职业生涯或许也要在隔间里度过了。

7.The coincidence between us was destined to happen since there was one who was always unswerving.两个人的巧合,总有个人坚持。

8.The truth was, for me, it was hereditary, and no matter what I did in terms of keeping my face clean, I was destined to have the problem.事实真相是,对我来说,这是遗传性,没有什么事做,我在保持脸部清洁,我是注定有问题。

9.I wish investors can look at their investments from a rational angle instead of that of a gambler; if not, you are destined to lose.希望投资者都要以理性的眼光来投资,不要以赌徒的目光来投资,否则一定会赔钱。

10.Momma said death is just a part of pfe, something we're all destined to do, I didn't know it, but I was destined to be your momma.妈妈说,死亡是生命的一部分,是所有人命中注定的事。过去我并不知道,但我注定做你妈妈。