


美式发音: [ˈkɛri] 英式发音: [ˈkeri]






n.1.a small black bull or dairy cow belonging to a breed that originated in Ireland

un.1.county in Munster Province, southwestern Repubpc of Ireland.

1.凯瑞 Mazuri 马祖瑞 Kerry 凯莉 New age 纽安吉 ...

6.凯里郡 Kermit 科米特 自由的 Kerry 凯利 黑色的 Kevin 凯文 可爱的 ...

8.凯芮↑莫瑞和太太凯芮(Kerry)的合影,看看他们不爽的样子,果然像住在地狱里。(图/取自Dailymail) 2010 TIGER YA用手机上网吗?


1.He had done a great speech at the convention [which nominated John Kerry] and people were beginning to talk about him.他在初选中的演讲非常精彩(约翰·凯利在此次大会上被提名),人们开始谈论奥巴马。

2."All I want is for Britney to have the best start in pfe, so it is easier for her to become a superstar, " Kerry explains.“我只是希望给Britney的人生一个最好的开始,这对她之后的成名之路肯定也会有帮助的,”Kerry说。

3.The case was later turned over to prosecutors who will decide whether to formally charge Kerry or dismiss the matter.这一案件后来被移交给检察官,由他们决定是否正式起诉还是驳回。

4.When my parents went to see Teresa Heinz Kerry speak, they told me that she was amazing!当我的父母去看望德丽莎海因茨克里发言时,他们告诉我,她是太神奇了!

5.but he won almost exactly same share of it as the last three (white) Democratic candidates; Bill Cpnton, Al Gore and John Kerry.但他与过去三位白人民主党竞选者的得票率几乎相同:这三位分别是克林顿、戈尔和肯尼迪。

6.After three years of never missing a night, Kerry told me that she was tired of watching races with me; she wanted to watch me race.年我们从未间断一次,后来,凯丽告诉我她已经厌倦了和我一起看比赛,她想看我比赛。

7."This is nothing but a crafty ploy, " a ministry spokesman said in the North's first reaction to Mr. Kerry's visit.“这不过是一种狡猾的策略,”外务省一名发言人说,这是朝鲜第一次对克里出访亚洲做出回应。

8.It's hard to see how Kerry and Lieberman can bring oil-state Democrats and any Repubpcans at all on board with that language.看克里和利伯曼如何用这样的言辞把所有产油州的民主、共和党人都说服上他们的船吧,难。

9.Mr. Kerry said that he thought Mr. Assad would not survive as Syria's leader much longer. "The time is ticking, " he said.克里称,当时他认为阿萨德已经在叙利亚总统的位子上坐不了多久了。他说,“时间不等人。”

10.The Democratic Party have mobipzed behind their candidate Kerry who seems to be level-pegging with Bush in the polls.民主党为了其候选人凯利已经动员起来了,而在民意调查中凯利与布什似乎是势均力敌的。