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1.南美洲the continent which is to the south of Central America and N America

1.南美洲. ... of that 在它(这里指城市)上面 South-America 南美洲 French 法国的 ...

2.南美航线 ... South of America 美南 SOUTH-AMERICA 南美航线 islands of south of america 最喜欢的旅游地点 ...


1.The method has previously been used to fight rinderpest in Africa and Asia and hog cholera in South America.这种方法此前曾被用于防控非洲和亚洲的牛瘟,以及南美洲的猪瘟。

2.If you could push Africa and south America together, they would meet at the Mid - Atlantic Ridge and close up the ocean between them.如果你能把非洲和南美洲放在一起,他们一定会在中大西洋海岭处吻合,并封死它们之间的海域。

3.The male rhea, a large, fpghtless bird from South America related to the ostrich, has a bit of a wandering eye when it comes to mating.动物父亲的图片集。雄性的三趾鸵鸟,不能飞的鸟从南美洲关系到鸵鸟,已有点流浪眼睛,当谈到交配。

4.Long before there was a country called Brazil, a tree with that name grew in abundance all along the northeastern coast of South America.在巴西这个国家诞生之前很久,一种与其同名的树即繁茂地生长在南美东北海岸沿岸。

5."I keep trying to go more to South America, " he says, but he "hasn't found a way of making it work, workwise" .“我一直试图抽更多时间去南美,”他说,但他“尚未找到一个可行的办法——就工作而言。”

6.And I said -- Rivers and lakes , the hydrological systems , South America .我说那些河流湖泊,水文系统,南美洲。

7.Just a moment, I'll look up the rate for air-mail letters to South America.请稍等。我要查一下去南美的航空邮件的邮费是多少。

8.The Olympics have never been held in South America and Rio is hoping that will count in its favour as it bids for the 2016 Olympics.奥运会从来没有在南美洲举行过,因此里约热内卢希望那会在竞选2016年奥运主办权时成为自己当选的有利因素。

9.The area is almost all rain forest and until recent decades was one of South America's least populated and most inaccessible areas.这个地区几乎全是热带雨林,直到最近几十年,还是南美洲人口最少和人迹罕至的的地区。

10.It had occurred on land, in rainforests of South America and Africa, where landowners had been paid not to cut the trees down.在陆地上曾有发生,在南美洲和非洲的热带雨林,土地拥有者因为不砍树而收到补偿。