


美式发音: [broʊk] 英式发音: [brəʊk]





第三人称单数:brokes  现在分词:broking  过去分词:broked  同义词反义词


adj.penniless,bankrupt,poor,destitute,in the red


broke显示所有例句adj.— see alsobreak

1.没钱;囊中羞涩;破产having no money

I'm always broke by the end of the month.我总是一到月底就没钱花了。

During the recession thousands of small businesses went broke(= had to stop doing business) .经济衰退期间成千上万家小企业被迫关门了。

flat/stony broke(= completely broke)彻底破产

IDMgo for broke(informal)孤注一掷to risk everything in one determined effort to do sth

v.1.“break”的过去式;〈古〉break 的过去分词2.“break”的过去式和过去分词



v.1.The past tense of break2.The past tense and past participle of break

1.打破 打开;开放的 open 打破(过去式) broke 打破,折断;课间休息 break ...

2.一文不名的 ever adv. 曾经, 永远, 不断地, 在任何时候, 究竟 broke adj. 一文不名的 bath n. 沐浴, 浴室 ...

3.没钱 TOP 47 Buck 元 TOP 48 Broke 没钱;没现金 TOP 49 Window 商店的橱窗 ...

4.破产 bill 单据 broke 破产 borrow 借贷 ...

5.打碎 d. destroyed (毁坏,摧毁建筑物等)不是 c. broke打碎,损坏)同 a. late (迟, …

6.破产的 plan 错, 3.broke adj. 一文不名的,破产的 4网址被屏蔽plex n. 综合性建筑 ...

7.弄坏 break 弄坏 13. broke 弄坏 14. Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫 15. ...


1.The company guaranteed it would repair or replace the computer if it broke within two years.公司承诺如果两年内出故障他们将维修或更换电脑。

2.With a fpck of my switch, my 3-year-old mare, Reem, broke into a canter, and we ascended gradually toward the top of a ridge.我轻轻鞭打了一下我那三岁的母马利姆,它开始慢跑起来,我们渐渐地爬到了山脊上。

3.A burst of step voice broke silent, immediately appear two personal shadows, every a year after of a group of customers?一阵脚步声打破了寂静,随即出现两个人影,时隔一年之后的第一批顾客?

4.Nobody broke away from the Trade Union. The united workers fought against the enemy bravely.没有人从工会分裂出去,联合起来的工人与敌人勇敢地作战。

5.The strap of my wristwatch broke, and for some surreal moments I found myself looking at my watch on the floor of the plane.我的手表表带断了。于是,有好几个离奇的时刻,我发现自己凝视著躺在飞机地板上的手表。

6.What I've been feepng, I am beginning to understand. I broke this world; and only I can repair it.我已经感觉到,我正在开始了解。我破坏这个世界;而且只有我能补救它。

7.And she you know, kind of stole him away, and then. . . broke his heart. . . and then he wouldn't even talk to me any more.至于她,你知道吗,把他从我身边偷走了,然后…伤了他的心…最后他甚至跟我都不说话了。

8.So Dobby stopped us from getting on the train and broke your arm. . . He shook his head. You know what, Harry?所以多比不让我们上火车,还弄断了你的胳膊……他摇了摇头,你知道吗,哈利?

9.This broke the hearts of the group who felt very bad that the bear had to be shot, as it was harmless outside of requiring food to subsist.这击痛了小组成员们的心灵,在熊被射杀的时候,他们感觉非常之坏,因为它是无恶意的,只是在外面寻找食物维生。

10.He took a bar of chocolate and broke off a bit.他拿出一块巧克力糖,折断一小块。