


美式发音: [skrɪp] 英式发音: [skrɪp]






1.(股息的)临时凭证;代价券an extra share in a business, given out instead of a dividend


n.1.a piece of paper that you use temporarily as money2.a document giving you the right to a part of a share of stock

1.便条 scarp 悬崖,陡坡 scrip 便条,纸条,纸片 setup 安排,准备,配置 ...

2.纸条 scarp 悬崖,陡坡 scrip 便条,纸条,纸片 setup 安排,准备,配置 ...

3.临时凭证 ... screen trading 屏幕交易 scrip 临时凭证,代价券 scrip dividend 临时凭证股利,票据股利 ...

4.临时股票 Schroders Asia Limited 宝源亚洲有限公司 scrip 临时股票 scrip dividend 以股代息 ...

5.纸片 scarp 悬崖,陡坡 scrip 便条,纸条,纸片 setup 安排,准备,配置 ...

6.Stanford Coronary Risk Intervention Projectnary artery disease: the Stanford Coronary Risk Intervention Project (SCRIP). Circulation. 1994;89:975–990.

7.代价券 scrap value 残值 scrip 临时收据,代价券 scrip dividend 期票股利 ...


1.Hillary asks: "That piece of scrip that on behalf of me then husband overcomes Lin Du is in which. "希拉里问:“那代表我老公克林顿的那张纸片在哪呢。”上地说;

2.For the most part, the system worked: When the crisis passed, holders of scrip were able to redeem it for legal tender.在大多数地方,这一新体系行之有效。经济危机过后,持有代币的人都按面值兑换到了现金。

3.You can easily create a scrip account within the game to add to and subtract from as a result of an agreed-upon exchange by the players.很容易在游戏中创建一个通货帐号,玩家之间的交换会导致他们的帐号余额发生变化。

4.the endowment popcy , the bank passbook , the certificate of the possession of scrip.养老保险单,银行存折,股票的临时单据。

5.Historians say few scrip notes were counterfeited, in part because many didn't circulate long enough to get a racket up and running.历史学家称,很少有代币是伪造的,部分原因在于许多代币没有流通很长时间,不足以让人兴起仿造之心。

6.Another option is to have scrip exist as an external currency and to have each transaction manifest in the gamer's external account.另一种方法是,将通货实现为外部货币,每次交易都记录在玩家的外部帐号中。

7.Besides, investors could demand compensation, along the pnes of the bonus scrip handed out during the reform of non-tradable shares.此外,投资者可能会要求补偿,参照股权分置改革期间支付对价的做法。

8.Capfornia IOUs differ from Depression-era scrip in a key respect: They are made out to individual creditors for specific amounts.加州政府发行的IOU和大萧条时代的代币有一个关键区别:它是面向个人开出的写有具体金额的借据。

9.The accounts system recognizes scrip as a currency with a given translation into real dollars.帐号系统可以按照一定的兑换率将游戏通货兑换成真实的货币。

10.Using its scrip to acquire other companies, as in the China Paradise transaction, was the logical next step.利用其股票收购其它公司(就像在永乐的交易中一样),将是顺理成章的下一步。外国投资者要小心了。