



美式发音: [ˈreɪdər] 英式发音: [ˈreɪdə(r)]



复数:raiders  同义词




n.1.someone who attacks a place using force2.a corporate raider

1.突击者 印第安人 Cleveland Indians 突击者 raiders 热火 Heats ...

2.袭击者 Vikings 维京人精英版 Raiders 袭击者 精英版 Saints 圣徒精英版 ...

3.奥克兰突击者 Chargers 闪电队 Raiders 突袭者 redskin 红皮 ...

5.攻略 ... classes 职业 raiders 攻略 VIDEos 视频 ...

6.奇兵 CHARGERS 闪电队 RAIDERS 突袭者队 BRONCOS 野马队 ...

8.突击者队他带领突击者队Raiders )第一次打入锦标赛,最终进入马里兰州冠军赛(Maryland 4A championship)。尽管德隆蒂在那场 …


1.How does Natape make it clear to Cavil that she strenuously disapproves of his insistence on lobotomizing the Cylon Raiders?娜塔莉是如何向卡维尔挑明她强烈不同意他坚持将赛昂突袭机变得笨头笨脑的决定的?

2.It's just pke the Raiders back in the day. They used to get off the bus with the all-black on, they just tried to intimidate people.这就像过去的游击队那样,全身穿着黑色,从公车上下来,试图恐吓人们。

3.At the end of your turn, Erg Raiders deals 2 damage to you if it did not attack this turn.在你的回合中,如果尔格骑队未进行攻击,则在回合结束时牠对你造成2点伤害。

4.He began his career as a head football coach in nineteen sixty-nine, when he was selected to lead the Oakland Raiders.1969年,当他被任命为奥克兰袭击者队的领军人物时,他开始了作为一名足球主教练的生涯。

5.Of the various Viking Raiders, only one, Jon ? sgeir, of Baugur fame, has had the guts to turn up and face the music on a TV chat show.各种维京掠夺者中,只有一位,让Baugur集团驰名的扬•艾斯格(JonAsgeir),敢在电视谈话节目上露面并承担后果。

6.Then the LORD raised up judges, who saved them out of the hands of these raiders.耶和华兴起士师,士师就拯救他们脱离抢夺他们人的手。

7.It was not used in other countries which suffered raids from Scandinavia, and Western observers gave the raiders many different names.其它同样遭受斯堪的纳维亚劫掠的国家并不这么用词,西方学者早已赋予劫掠者许多不同的名号。

8.The raiders use the lance usually referred to a variety of different pole weapons based on the spear.骑兵使用的枪通常与在矛基础上发展来的长柄武器有一些区别。

9.Raiders 1, went to the Front Desk , Miss will give you a copy of the company, the attention !攻略1来到接待台,小姐会给你一份公司介绍,注意,它非常有用!

10.More than 10 attacks have been reported so far this year, with the raiders using increasingly violent methods and heavy weaponry.到目前为止,今年已发生十起此类袭击案件,而且暴徒的犯罪手段越来越凶残,所使用的武器也向重型发展。