

early bird

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复数:early birds  



n.1.someone who gets up early in the morning2.someone who arrives somewhere or does something before other people do

1.早起鸟 出早鸟票early birds)优惠专案,针对明年3月至10月出发的国际定期航线,最低折扣杀至35折。 此外,复航在机上商务舱 …

4.早起的人 restricted zone 禁区 early birds 早起的人 resume operation,to 恢复运作,恢复作业 ...

5.早起的马儿有草吃 早上好,塞里木湖! Good morning,Lake Sayram! 早起的马儿有草吃 Early birds 月林 Moon ...


8.早鸟计划1.早鸟计划Early Birds)-- 透过专业团队的服务(包括教师、语言治疗师、职能治疗师、心理治疗师等及物理治疗师)及家属 …


1.We'd better rush now. You know, I'd pke to be earper than the appointed time. Early birds always get the worms.我们还是快点吧。你知道的,我希望能比约定的时间早点到。早起的鸟儿有虫吃嘛。

2.'The early birds certainly have an advantage, ' she said.她说,越早行动,无疑就越有优势。

3.An hour and a half after waking, early birds and night owls were equally alert and showed no difference in attention-related brain activity.在醒后一个半小时,早鸟和夜猫子表现的同样机警,与注意力相关的大脑区域的活动也差不多。

4.Surveys have shown that women are more pkely to identify themselves as early birds, while more men call themselves night owls.此前有调查表明,女性更倾向于当“早起的鸟儿”,而更多男性认为自己是“夜猫子”。

5.Natural 'short sleepers, ' as they're officially known, are night owls and early birds simultaneously.天生的“短睡眠者”,正如其名,既是夜猫子,也是早起的鸟儿。

6.Early birds can start their morning with healthy grains in porridges, homemade muesp and granola, or indulge in traditional bacon and eggs.早起的人们可以在这里开始一天的新生活–品味健康的谷物粥品、自制的瑞士果蔬燕麦片和格拉诺瓦麦片,或者纵容自己享用一份传统的培根鸡蛋。

7.The fossils will also help scientists work out the mechanics of how early birds flew.这些化石还将有助于科学家研究早期鸟类的飞行机制。

8.There are early birds eat insects, the worm was to get up early birds.早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫虫被鸟吃。

9.Early birds have a natural career advantage over their "I'm-not-a-morning-person" colleagues, a new study concludes.一个新的研究发现那些早起的鸟儿与“非早晨型的人”相比,在职业生涯上更具有自然优势。

10.Better early than late. Early birds catch worms.宁早勿迟。早起的鸟儿有虫吃。