




1.星坠城 prince's pass 亲王隘口 starfall 星坠城 sandstone 沙石城 ...

2.星落 1. 沉醉如梦 Enchanted Dreams 2. 星光灿烂 Starfall 3. 月影 Around the Moon ...

4.星辰坠落 ... 12.Concentrate: 全神贯注 13.Starfall: 星辰坠落 1. Potion Effect Increase: 药水效果增强 ...

5.流星雨流星雨流星雨 (Starfall)(终极魔法):召唤数波从天而降的流星雨伤害附近的敌军.每一波每单位造成50点伤害,每波间隔1.5秒. …


1.Starfall will no longer cause nearby creatures to become hostile for no apparent reason while the Druid is affected by fear effects.星落不再在德鲁伊被恐惧时,使得附近的怪物变得没理由的敌对。

2.Starfall: Te damage done by this spell has been significantly increased.星辰坠落:这个法术造成的伤害被显著提高了。

3.Focused Starpght (Balance): Now also works with Starfall.汇聚星光(平衡):现在同样对群星陨落有效。

4.Vengeance (Balance): Now also works with Starfall.复仇(平衡):现在对群星陨落有效。

5.Starfall will now be cancelled by any shapeshifting.星落将在你使用任意变形的时候自动取消掉。

6.Balance Celestial Focus doesn't affect Starfall anymore.平衡天赋塞纳里奥之怒不再影响星落。

7.Glyph of Starfall- Increases the duration of Starfall by 2 sec.星落雕文-增加群星陨落的持续时间2秒。

8.Glyph of Focus: Now increases the damage done by Starfall by 10%, down from 20%.专注雕文:增加星辰坠落的伤害由20%降低到了10%。

9.Starfall - Extra damage radius changed to 5 yards (down from 10).星落-伤害范围从原来的10码改为5码。