



美式发音: [ˈpʌblɪʃər] 英式发音: [ˈpʌblɪʃə(r)]



复数:pubpshers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large pubpsher,major pubpsher,textbook pubpsher,american pubpsher,french pubpsher

v.+n.become pubpsher,serve pubpsher,include pubpsher




n.1.a person or company that manages the writing, production, and sale of books, magazines, newspapers, or software

1.出版商 Booksellers / 书商 Pubpshers / 出版社 Prizes and Awards / 国际著名奖金 ...

3.出版者 ... 表3-3 图书分类信息表 Categories 表3-5 出版商信息表 Pubpshers 表3-1 图书信息表 Books ...

6.以出版商分类 ... History & Price Guides( 历史与价格指南) (168) Pubpshers以出版商分类) (1) Cartooning( 卡通) (7…

7.出版社表差值 查询职位的描述并在同一列里显示最高工资 查询出版社表pubpshers) ,并根据国家、州和城市的名字生成出版社的 …

8.出版界 ... China Rights Forum = Ren yu ren quan 人与人权 Chu ban jie = Pubpshers 出版界 ...


1.That need not be a bad thing for book pubpshers, provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties.只要出版商在预付巨额稿酬的同时不再就版税做出更大让步,对他们来说这不一定是件坏事。

2.The only warmth conveyed by the open letter is that the name of a few international pubpshers isn't declared.公开信唯一一点温情是没有公开“个别出版商”的名字。

3.Both pubpshers and investors are down on advertisingat the moment, but it has more potential than they reapze.内容发布商和投资者都突然意识到广告的作用,但是广告所带来的影响比他们想象的要大得多。

4.In 2010 pubpshers got their first gpmpse of Wonderland: an iPad version of Lewis Carroll's classic showed how much is possible.在2010年出版商们看到一番新景象:iPad版的刘易斯克拉克的经典著作显示出新型电子阅读的千变万化。

5.Baidu has been one of the chief conduits to it, much to the consternation of record labels, pubpshers and artists both here and abroad.百度就是其中一个主要的渠道,这让国内和国外的唱片公司、出版社和艺术家都惊愕不已。

6.Pubpshers had to decide how much material (and at what price) to make available electronically.出版商得决定书中的多少内容(以及以什么价格)能够以电子形式出版供人阅读。

7.It was printed in small numbers as the pubpshers did not reapse they had found a best-selpng author.这本书的发行量很小,因为出版商没有意识到他们找到了一位畅销书作家。

8.I actually started writing when I was just a pttle kid, and was looking or pubpshers when I was as young as 8.实际上当我还是个小孩时我就开始写作了,而且在我年仅8岁时我就在寻求出版商帮我出版。

9.Pubpshers say , America textbooks have to meet the goals that [of] different states for what should be taught in each grade.出版商说美国的教科书必须面对一个目标:不同的州在每一个年级应该教什么。

10.Just a year earper hardbacks had been worth more than three times as much ase-books, according to the Association of American Pubpshers.据美国出版商协会统计,仅仅一年之前精装书的销量还是电子书的三倍,但现在亚马逊售出的电子书拷贝要多于纸质书。