




1.状态在Linux上编译运行).这个软件似乎提供了某种"状态相关的"(stateful)特性,可能让你在开放非消极模式FTP时能更安全 .不过,具 …

8.状态化我们之前曾提出一个跨层级(cross-layer)状态化(Stateful)的行为模式(behavior-based)侦测系统Security Monitor (SecMon),针 …


1.Such a multiplexing mechanism is required due to the stateful nature of some operations in the protocol.这种多工机制是必要的,因为协议中的某些操作是需要这样的通道。

2.In a load-balanced environment, some of your SOAP requests are bound to carry stateful information.在一个负载均衡环境里,一些SOAP请求必定载有状态信息。

3.Interestingly, a Seam conversation is typically implemented with an extended entity manager injected into a stateful session bean (EJB).有趣地是,Seam对话通常用注入到有状态会话bean(EJB)中的扩展的实体管理器实现。

4.We got started on the topic of stateful apppcation development way back in the beginning of the J2EE pathfinder series.我们是在J2EE探索者系列的起始部分开始讨论有状态应用程序开发这一话题的。

5.Technology is permitting us to have increasingly stateful devices and systems on which we host increasingly capable, stateful software.技术允许我们拥有日益正式的设备和系统,从而我们具备更具能力的、更加正式的软件。

6.Finally , the pieces of the apppcation can be further re- engineered to run as multiple, parallel, callable back -end stateful services .最后,可以进一步重新设计应用程序的工作单元,将其作为多个在后台运行的可并行调用的有状态服务。

7.But beyond that we're also trying to write components that are both stateful and loosely coupled.但是除此之外,我们还试图编写出既有状态又松耦合的组件。

8.One example where scripting is quite appropriate is that of generating an operating system image, whether it be stateless or stateful.非常适合使用脚本的一种情况是生成操作系统映像(无论是无状态的还是有状态的)。

9.In this stateful design, the service increments and stores a previousPage variable somewhere to be able to respond to requests for next.在这个有状态的设计中,该服务递增并在某个位置存储previousPage变量,以便能够响应针对下一个页面的请求。

10.A stateful firewall is capable of assigning and remembering the state of connections made for sending or receiving packets.有状态的防火墙能够指定并记住为发送或接收信息包所建立的连接的状态。