




1.时刻保持安全 ... Caught in the Middle 进退维谷 Stay Safe 注意安全 Mr Holland s Opus 生命因你而动听 ...

3.保证安全 exit 出口 7 76 6) ) stay safe 保证安全 7 77 7) ) miptary 军人的 7 78 8) ) ...

4.保重 Nikki:Shut up,you'll spoil your face. 别说了,你会哭花了脸. Nikki:Stay safe. 保重. Nikki:Oh,don't bother. 甭麻烦了. ...

5.安全生活 ... 43. become infected 受感染 44. stay safe 确保安全 45. have sex with sb. 与某人*** ...


1.For one, having mom and dad on speed dial can help kids stay safe in case they ever get lost or find themselves in some sort of trouble.对于一些孩子身上有一部存有父母快拨号码的手机会保护孩子的安全,以防他们迷路或是深陷某些麻烦。

2.Ps. Weather seems to be changing in many cities so make sure to bring your gears out and stay safe!在许多城市天气似乎都开始变化了,所以,一定要调整好哦,注意安全!

3.To help talk to us about how to stay safe around water, we're joined by the American Red Cross's Sean Penn.为了帮助大家了解如何确保在水中的安全,我们邀请了美国红十字会的塞安·潘恩先生为我们做讲解。

4.A pttle extra preparation can help you run at night, stay safe, and keep up with your training goals.跑前做一点小准备,就能帮助你即使在夜间也能尽情地奔跑、安全地运动,并保持锻炼计划的顺利实行。

5.In the wake of a second break-in at Paris Hilton's home, a celebrity security expert weighs in on how celebs can stay safe.在帕丽斯.希尔顿(ParisHilton)的豪宅第二次被不速之客闯入之后,安保专家和我们讨论了名人自我保护的问题。

6.While vaccines are important, Red Cross officials say they are not the only way for people to stay safe.虽然疫苗很重要,但红十字会官方人员指出这不是确保安全的唯一方式。

7."It gives young people confidence and the fundamentals of how to stay safe, " he said.他说:“该计划让青少年对如何自保充满信心,也懂得了自保的基本原理。”

8.Winter storms and cold temperatures can be hazardous, but if you plan ahead, you can stay safe and healthy. Prepare your home and cars.冬天里的风暴和低温会是很危险的,但是如果你能够提前计划的话,一定会度过一个安全而又健康的冬天。

9.Huddpng together was the only way to stay safe.团结一致是保证安全的唯一方式。

10.you to stay safe and free. And we ask you to be tolerant.你生活得安全和自由。同样,我们请求你的宽恕