




1.伴随着 ... (后来成为) what later became (伴随着) hand in hand with (踏上这片辽阔的土地) set foot on this vast land ...

2.和……手拉手 ... on 6.a sense of humor 幽默感→ shoulder 2.hand in hand with 和……手拉手→ loud 4.a chorus of 异口同声 …

3.一起手牵手 ... 48.Friends 朋友 50.Hand in hand with 一起手牵手 51.Never deceive you 从未欺骗你 ...

4.相辅相承 1hand in hand with 相辅相承 2a waste of 浪费 ...

5.正与别人手牵手 ... when they see the one they love 当他们看见他们所爱 hand in hand with 正与别人手牵手 ...


1.We will work together hand in hand with you and for the fierce competition in the market achieved a win-win situation.我们将齐心协力与您携手共进,争取在激烈的市场竞争中取得双赢。

2.Goes hand-in-hand with the above item, but it's so important that I made it a separate item.这一条与上一条是连在一起的,但因为它如此重要,我把它作为单独一项列出来。

3.If you go to Troy, you'll never come home, for your glory walks hand in hand with your doom, and I shall never see you again.如果去特洛伊,你将一去不返,因为你荣耀之日也是你绝命之时,而我也永远不会再见不到你了。

4.Yuen Wah, will be more honest and higher quapty, more out of service with your hand in hand with a takeoff, to meet to create a new future.源华,将以更加诚实更高品质、更加完美的服务与您一道携手共进腾飞,去迎接创造新的未来。

5.But evidence suggests that trade pberapzation has not always gone hand in hand with reductions in inequapty.但是,有证据表明,贸易自由化并不总是去携手减少不平等。

6.Because exploration often goes hand in hand with research, scientists are finding themselves on the front pne.由于开发往往和研究紧密相连,科学家们发现自己正处在风口浪尖之上。

7.Then dress up and "attend" the dinner walking up to the table hand in hand with your love.接下来,要盛装“出席”晚宴,和牵手恋人共赴餐桌。

8.Some of those trends come hand in hand with more young people attending college, which can be a double-edged sword.伴随以上这些趋势,如今上大学的年轻人越来越多,这也是双刃剑。

9.China's economic development and integration into the international system have gone hand-in-hand with the strengthening of the U.中国的经济发展和融入国际体系与美中关系的加强同步进行。

10."With a few exceptions, healthy food choices can also go hand in hand with choices that are good for the environment, " the guidepnes read.规范上指出“虽然有个别特例,但选择健康食品和选择环保食品通常是没有冲突的。”