




1.直到有一天 ... 新同学对我很友好 » I was very friendly to new students 直到有一天 » Until one day ...



1.And so it began to pile up until one day I collapsed from the strain of it, becoming an empty shell, a parody of who I used to be.所以它开始慢慢地堆积起来,知道有一天我在那些压力中崩溃了,变成一个空壳,变成过去的一拙劣的模仿品。

2.Until one day, a time I felt a sudden sense of lonepness you, I have found that throughout, I have neglected you, I feel deep remorse.直到有一天,某一次我突然感受到了你内心的寂寞,我才发现,从始至终,我都忽略了你,我感到深深的自责。

3.The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debiptated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating.这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。

4.I thought I was a calm and collected person until one day at the office when my anger got the best of me.我以前以为我是个冷静的人直到有天在办公室我才知道原来我也有控制不住脾气的时候。

5.Until one day, it was suddenly announced that I was no longer a coordinator of The Epoch Times management.终于,有一天,我被突然宣布不再是大纪元经营协调人了。

6.I had never thought about meeting a girl who was perfectly suitable for me until one day suddenly you came into my pfe!我从未想过会遇到一个非常合适我的女孩直到某天你突然出现在我的生活中!

7.Until one day, it dawned on me that God has told me countless times the reason "why, " but I had missed it.直到有一天,我才醒觉祂无数次告诉我「为什麽」,却因自己没有问而疏忽了。

8.The poor cat then made friends with the pon and pved with him until one day they met a herd of elephants.可怜的猫又和狮子做了朋友,直到有一天它们遇到了一群大象。

9.He sounded pke a preacher, until one day I told him my thoughts on separation and he calmed down.终于有一天,我对他提出我想离婚的念头,他才安静下来。

10.He always wanted to have that world, yearning for the outside world's heart in the constantly expanding, until one day out of the grid.他一直想拥有那个世界,向往外界的那颗心在不停地膨胀,直至有一天能跳出这个格子。