




1.陌生情境 strait jacket 拘束衣 strange situation 陌生情境法 stranger anxiety 陌生人焦虑 ...

3.陌生情境实验  心理学家爱因斯沃斯(Mary Ainsworth)进行了一项著名的实验,这个实验被称为“陌生情境实验”(strange situation)。从对婴儿和 …

4.陌生情景陌生情景Strange Situation) 在儿童的照看者在场或不在场两种情况下,把儿童与一个陌生人安排在一个儿童不熟悉的环境 …

5.陌生境况他们用行为实验测试这些婴儿,其中一项实验,名「陌生境况」(strange situation):把婴儿与其母亲同置於一空房内,然后 …

6.陌生情境测验 专家们设计了陌生情境测验(strange situation)以提供测量baby依附的品质根据baby在这些情境中的行为形态归纳出以下几种不 …

7.陌生的情境Ainsworth 等人(1978)利用「陌生的情境」(Strange situation)实验来说明父母和孩童之间依恋的关 系,从中鉴别出三种主 …


1.She saw with pain how much he struggled with the family's strange situation.她痛苦地看着他怎样挣扎在这怪异的家庭中。

2.He said: "It was a strange situation. "饼干说道:这种情况很奇怪。

3.She could not have borne their pity, and their whispered remarks to one another upon her strange situation.她不愿意受他们的怜悯,更不愿意看他们互相耳语,议论自己的奇特身世。

4.I looked down at my pants. It was a strange situation.我向下看了一下我的裤子。出现了奇怪的状况。

5.The strange situation seemed to have made Joe go mad. Even now, he insisted on speaking to me.这突如其来的情形似乎让乔发疯。甚至现在他还坚持对我说。

6."You're so kind, " said Carrie, feepng the goodness of such attention in her strange situation.“你真好,”嘉莉说道。身处目前这种陌生的场合,她倍感这种关心的可贵。

7.sleeping position: A strange situation can cause him to squirm around, which raises the risk of being smothered in bedding.把婴儿放在新床上或变换睡眠姿势时必须小心陌生环境会使婴儿扭来扭去,从而增加被褥妨碍呼吸的危险。

8.'s a very strange situation. I can't work it out.情况太奇怪了,我弄不明白。

9.It was a strange situation for me because it was not clear for a long time what would happen and it dragged out to the very end.这对于我是一个奇怪的状况,因为很长一段时间都说不清楚,直到最后一刻情况才最终定下来。

10.It is a "very strange situation" says one diplomat. "Nobody pkes the text, but we feel it is the best we will get. "其中一人说:“这种处境很奇怪,大家都不喜欢指令的内容,但是我们觉得这是我们能够得到的最好结果了。”