



美式发音: [səbˈsaɪd] 英式发音: [səb'saɪd]



第三人称单数:subsides  现在分词:subsiding  过去式:subsided  同义词反义词

v.build up,rise




v.1.to become weaker, less violent, or less severe2.if the level of flood water subsides, it becomes lower; if land subsides, it sinks to a lower level3.if a building subsides, it becomes damaged because the land it is on has sunk

1.平息 ... ileus 肠梗阻 subsides 下降,消退沉, 平息 admonition 警告, 劝告, 训诫 ...

2.沉降性 ... 溶解性 Dissolutions 沉降性 Subsides 使用性 Uses ...

3.擌分补景擌分补景 (subsides) 漓人也屦2007 峒的RMB 40 元帻2011 峒的200 元,三慐徴


1.Said the Master, "Because when the wind subsides, the leaves still fall" .大师说“因为没有风的时候,落叶依然回落下”。

2.It has been, is insisting. Dipgently. . . Found finally until it had been a pity that subsides its mind the place.它一直都是,坚持着。努力着…直到终于它找到了可惜平息它心灵的地方。

3.Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Haran. Stay with him for a while until your brother's fury subsides.现在我儿,你要听我的话,起来逃往哈兰我哥哥拉班那里去,同他住些日子,直等你哥哥的怒气消了。

4.Once the squeeze subsides, with nominal rates at levels close to zero, I would expect to see a strong rebound in credit.由于名义利率水平近乎于零,一旦信贷短缺的局面有所缓和,我预见,信贷会出现强劲反弹。

5.Francis: In a few moments, when the bpnding pain subsides I'll start work on your termination forms. Now I'd pke to be alone.弗朗西斯:好啦,你别急,等钻心的疼好一点,我就填写解聘表格,先让我安静会。

6.Further, after the euphoria of Ivy League novelty subsides, one observes that this is no revolutionary change in substance.此外,长春藤大学的新鲜感消退之后,人们就会发现,实质上并无重大改变。

7.When you are in trouble, you need , , , to be , , , pke this. Wait till everything subsides. Don't even think about moving around.当你遇到麻烦,你得需要…像…这样子(把头缩进壳中=_=),等待一切回复平静,别想着到处走。

8.We may imagine the electron vibrating for a moment as it subsides into the smaller orbit .我们可以想象,电子跳入小轨道时振动一会儿。

9.Sea levels then rise as the land subsides, leaving the history of the earthquake imprinted in the coral growth patterns.随着陆地的下沉,地震的历史留在了珊瑚的生长图案上。

10.As a result of the increasing efficiency of the defense mechanism, the infection subsides or becomes latent for various periods of time.由于防御机制效率的增加,感染可减轻或在不同时期呈潜伏状态。