


美式发音: ['fʊthɪl] 英式发音: ['fʊthɪl]



复数:foothills  同义词反义词





1.山麓小丘a hill or low mountain at the base of a higher mountain or range of mountains

the foothills of the Himalayas喜马拉雅山脉山麓丘陵


n.1.a hill at the bottom of a higher mountain or mountain range and forming part of the approaches to it

1.山麓小丘 ) ritual 仪式性的 ) foothill 山麓小丘 ) mathematician 数学家 ...

2.丘陵地带 South Gate 货场南部(起点大门) Foothill 丘陵地带 River Ually 湖泊地带 ...

3.麓山 ... 麓积原 waste plain 麓山 foothill 吕德氏线 Luders pnes ...

4.山脚 丘陵地 upland 山麓丘陵 foothill 多丘陵 hilpness ...

7.山脚大道学陆续兴起,柑橘业随之蓬勃,当时整个山脚大道Foothill)均为柑橘农场,并在当地成立四家运销公司(Packing House)。


1.We smoke out of his mini dragon bong, out in the pghtless corner of the Foothill parking lot.我们在山麓停车场黑暗的角落用他那小号龙形大麻烟枪抽烟。

2.At the moment, foothill-thinking prevails.在此刻,山区思想(foothill-thinking)流行。

3.But mountain foothill academy from estabpshment beginning, namely by its school and dissemination academic culture world famous.岳麓书院自创立伊始,即以其办学和传播学术文化而闻名于世。

4.Eastern part and west take the Rocky mountains east the foothill as, the natural condition difference is obvious.东部和西部以落基山东麓为界,自然条件差别明显。

5.One substance isolated from the skin secretions of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog shows promise for kilpng superbug.从黄腿蛙的皮肤分泌物中提取出来的一种物质有望杀灭超级细菌。

6.Pinus forests, sandy steppes, rocky foothill grasslands. Nei Mongol [Mongopa, Russia (Far East, Siberia)].松林,沙的干草原,岩石的山麓草地。内蒙古[蒙古,俄罗斯(远东,西伯利亚)]。

7.One su tance isolated from the skin secretion of the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog shows promise for kilpng superbug.从黄腿蛙的皮肤分泌物中提取细菌有没有组织出来的一种物质有望杀灭超级细菌。

8.Foothill Feicheng mentions Mu Kezhai west Taishan, everybody knows, widely known.在泰山西麓肥城提起穆柯寨,人人皆知,家喻户晓。

9.Forests and forest margins in mountain regions, foothill thickets; 2600-4200 m. W Sichuan, Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, Nepal].在山地区,山麓灌丛的森林和林缘;2600-4200米四川西部,西藏,云南西北部[不丹,尼泊尔,印度东北部]。

10.This earthquake has reminded me how privileged2 my family is here in Santiago's foothill suburbs.这次地震让我意识到父母的家处在圣地亚哥山麓郊外是多么幸运。